Chapter 14

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Colin's POV

We had to get Ava to the vet right now. Just when I was about to pick her up Ava opened her eyes and stood up like nothing happened. I was surprised but I decided to leave it alone, maybe it has something to do with the pregnancy.


The next morning I woke up alone.

'Jen? Where are you?' I shouted.

'I'm in the shower!' She screamed back.

I had to tell her about Ava so I decided to join her. I walked into the bathroom and took off my clothes.

'Good morning love!' I say while hopping into the shower.

'Oh my god Colin! What are you doing here.' She asked in shock.

'I didn't mean to scare you but last night I heard weird noises from downstairs and when I walked down I saw Ava on the ground and she wasn't moving...' I start.

'What!? Why didn't you tell me? Is she dead? No oh my god she can't be dead!' She wraps her arms around me and sobs into my chest.

'Love, she's okay. I wanted to get you and take her to the vet but she was okay. She just stood up like nothing happened.' I tell her.

'Oh I'm sorry for overreacting.' She says embarrassed.

'It's okay love I understand.' I say. 'Now let's go hurry, we have to get Evan from the airport.


When we left Ava was just sleeping in her little bed. She seemed okay. We got Evan from the airport and drove back home. We walked inside and Evan ran into the living room before Jen and I.

'Auntie Jen?' Evan asked. 'What are those things in Ava's bed?' He says pointing to Ava's bed.

Jen's POV

I walked to Evan to see what he meant. Ava's bed was full of puppies.

'Evan those are puppies! Ava's puppies!' I shout exited.

Colin walked towards us and saw it too. There were five little puppies in Ava's bed. Ava and Buckley were sitting behind them like proud parents.

Colin checked if the puppies were okay and Evan was carefully playing with them.

'Maybe we should name them.' I say. 'Do you want to name one Evan?' I ask sweetly.

'Daddy! I want to call this one daddy because it has the same hair as daddy!' Evan says.

I laughed. 'Okay Evan that one is daddy.' I say while messing Colin's hair with my hands. 'Now he looks even more like him!' I smirk.

'Ha ha very funny.' Colin said sarcastically. 'There are two boys and three girls.' Colin said. 'I'd like to call one Fernanda.' Colin said.

'I like Justine.' I say. 'And maybe we should call one Captain.'

'Yes and we can call the last little white one Swan!' Colin said.

1 month later

I was now 6 months pregnant and tomorrow we had our bridal shower. I don't want to be separated from Colin but I had to. Our wedding was next week, I can't wait to marry Colin I just love him so much! It was also a little bit of a sad day because the puppies were getting adopted. Ginny and Josh were taking Captain so Josh could still think about Colin when we were married, it was Colin's idea. Fernanda and Justine were going to Sean and his wife and Evan took Daddy to life in Ireland with him and Helen. Swan still had no one who wanted to adopt her, I really wanted to keep her she is so sweet! Colin won't let me he thinks two dogs is enough.

'Colin can't we keep her!?' I beg. I had Swan in my arms, she was still very small, smaller than the other puppies.

'Love, we already have two dogs.' He said.

'But she's so small!' I pout.

'I'll think about it.' He laughed.

Ginny and Josh arrived first.

'Were is my Captain?' Josh shouted. The little dog immediately ran towards him.

'Aww he is so cute!' Ginny squealed. 'Jen we will pick you up tomorrow night!'

'I like this Captain more than Colin. You wouldn't cheat on me right?' Josh says to the dog. 'Colin we'll pick you up tomorrow night as well, be prepared!' He shouted and he and Ginny left with Captain.

Sean picked up Fernanda and Justine and left.

'Love you know what? Let's keep our little Swan.' He said sweetly.

'Aww Colin I love you so much!' I run towards him and kiss him hard.

'I love you too Jen! I'll miss you tomorrow.' He pouts.

'I'll miss you too.' I say sadly and I kiss him again.

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