Chapter 17

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Colin's POV

'OOOOOOWWWWW! HELP ME! THE BABIES! PLEASE SOMEONE HELP ME!' I up from Jen screaming in pain with her hands on her belly.

'Jen what's wrong? I'll call an ambulance!' I say before grabbing my phone.

'911 what's your emergency?'

'It's my wife she's pregnant and she just woke up screaming in pain!' I almost yell.

'We'll send an ambulance, hold on.'

I pulled Jen into my lap and tried to keep her awake.

'Love, you're going to be all right they're sending an ambulance. Just hold on a little longer.'

'I-I love you Colin.' She mumbles and then she closes her eyes.

'Jen! You have to wake up! Stay with me!' I cry. 'Jen I'm so happy I got the chance to be your husband even if it's just for one night. I love you and I always will.' I'm now sobbing into her hair. I can't lose her, I can't lose our babies. How am I supposed to live without them?


They got Jen to the hospital and I was sitting in the waiting room. They won't let me see her those idiots!

After 20 minutes I still heard nothing about Jen so I decided to check it myself. I saw a nurse walking in the distance and I walked after her.

'Why is no one telling me how my wife is doing!? I need to see her right now!' I scream.

'I'm sorry sir but they are still trying to figure out what's wrong with her.'

'Whatever but why can't I see her!?'

'I'll ask if you can, just a minute.' The nurse says and she walks away. After a few minutes I see her coming back. 'You can go see her now but just a few minutes.' She tells me.

I follow the nurse into a room. Jen is just laying there with her eyes closed and breathing slowly. I walk towards her bed and take her hand in mine.

'You'll be okay, love, you are strong.'

Suddenly all the machines start to peep and a group of doctors run into the room.

'You have to go sir.' A nurse tells me.

'But what about my wife? Will she be all right?' I ask while the nurse is almost pushing me out of the room.

'We'll try our best.' And with that she closes the door behind me.


After a few minutes a doctor walks towards me.

'Are you mister O'donoghue?' He asks.

'Yes, do you know something about my wife?'

'We have do a caesarean and get the babies right now otherwise they'll all die. The babies will not be fully grown but if we get them now there's a chance they'll make it. Your wife is in a very bad condition we are not sure if we can safe her but we'll do our best.' The doctor explains.

'Do what you think is best.' I say sadly. If one of them dies I really don't know if I'm able to live with myself.

'You can be there during the caesarean.' The doctor says.

I just nod and follow the doctor into surgery.


After a while they get the first baby out, at first it doesn't make a sound but soon it starts crying.

'It's a girl!' The nurse says. They wrap the baby in a blanket and hand her to me. She is beautiful but she's super tiny, I hope she'll make it. I have to let her go after a few minutes and the nurse takes her away.

A little while later they get the other baby out. Other than my little girl this one isn't crying. A doctor takes the baby out of the room.

'Is the baby okay?' I ask a nurse.

'Not yet but we do everything we can to make sure it will be okay.'

'And what about my wife?' I ask concerned.

'Now that we got the babies we can give her heavier medication. We have to wait and see if that works.'

Half an hour later the doctor comes in with a baby.

'It's a boy and it's perfectly fine, just a little small but that's not a problem. Congratulations with your children sir, we'll try our best to safe your wife.'

My children were fine, but Jen wasn't so I couldn't really be happy.


I was sitting in a room with my babies. They have to stay in the incubator for a month but after that they should be fine. A nurse walks into the room with a sad look on her face.

'Your wife is in a coma.'

The babies are born and they're fine! But Jen is not... Hope you liked it please vote and comment your thoughts.
I think I'm going to end this book at chapter 20.

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