Chapter 18

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1 week later

Colin's POV

Jen was in a coma for a week now. I missed her so much even though I was with her everyday. I spent the whole week at the hospital, first I visited the babies and then I visited Jen.
Today, like every day, I went to see the babies first, they were doing great but they still didn't have a name and now I was with Jen. I was just sitting besides her bed, holding her hand and telling her everything about the babies. I thought maybe she could hear me.
I was going to go home to take a shower so I stood up and kissed her softly. I walked away.

'Colin?' I hear a soft voice behind me. I look back and I see Jen with her eyes open.

'Love! You're awake!' I run back towards her and kiss her forehead. 'I missed you so much! How do you feel?' I ask.

'I'm good.' She mumbles. 'Where are the babies?'

'They are fine love they are in the room next to you. You can go see them if you want the doctors told me you would be almost fine when you would wake up. I can get a wheelchair for you.'
I came back with a wheelchair and carefully placed Jen in it.

'They are beautiful, love. They've grown pretty fast.' I tell her.

We walk into the room and as soon as she sees our babies she starts to cry.

'I missed the first week of the lives of my own children.' She cried. 'I'm already a terrible mother.'

'Don't say that! You're a wonderful mother and besides you couldn't help it. Do you want to hold them? The doctor said you could breastfeed them as soon as you wanted.'

She just nodded and I got a nurse. The nurse handed our girl to Jen and she gave me our boy.

'They still don't have a name, do they?' Jen asked.

'Of course not love, I waited for you.'

'I heard everything you told me about them.' Jen says and she starts crying again. I wrap my arm around her and kiss her temple.

'That good, love. What name do you like?' I ask sweetly.

'I like Grace.' She says shyly. 'I've wanted to call my baby that since I was a little girl.'

'I love Grace!' I say. 'Let's call our little girl Grace. What about Liam for this little one?' I say holding up the little boy.

'Yeah, I like that. When can we go home?' She asks.

'Three weeks love.'

Three weeks later

Today Jen and our babies could finally come home. I've worked really hard on the nursery with a lot of help from Sean and Josh. Now it was finally finished and we also planned a welcome home party for Jen and our babies.

Jen's POV

Today we could finally go home. I could have gone home a week ago but I decided to stay till my babies could go home too.

'Hi love, are you ready?' Colin asks. He walks towards me and kisses me softly. 'I'll get Grace and Liam. Have you feed them?'

'No, I have to do that before we go.'

A few minutes later Colin came back with the babies in his arms. He gave me Grace first so I could place her on my breast and after that he gave me Liam.

'I'm actually getting the hang of this!' I say while feeding the two babies. I took me a little practice before I could feed them both at the same time.

'I'm proud of you love!' Colin smirked. He's always staring at me while I'm feeding the babies I'm wondering why that is.

'Why are you always starting at me?' I laugh.

'Sorry love you are just so beautiful.' He says proudly. 'I'll get the car seats.'


After a little struggling we finally got the babies safe in their seats. We were driving home.

'Did you finish the nursery?' I ask.

'It's completely finished love!' He says proudly.

'You did it all by yourself?'

'Well I have to admit I did get a little help from Sean and Josh.'

'I love you so much, Colin. And I missed sleeping in the same bed with you.'

'I love you too and I'm so glad I can finally take you all home. I was really really scared that I was going lose you all.' He said sadly.

'I'm sorry.' I say sadly. 'But at least we did overcome our first challenge as a married couple.'

They are all healthy and home! Next chapter will be the surprise party. Hope you liked it please vote and comment your thoughts❤️

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