Chapter 12

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Colin's POV


Negative? How can it be negative? I thought to myself. I saw Jen started crying so I sat down next to her and wrapped my arms around her.

'I really thought it would be positive.' She cried.

'It's okay love, we can keep trying.' I say sweetly.

'But why didn't my period come? And why did I feel sick yesterday? What else could it be?' She asks me crying.

'I don't know love. I'll call the doctors.' I say and walk away to get my phone.

Jen's POV

I'm heartbroken. I've wanted children my whole life and when I finally get the chance it's not working. I sob into my pillow. I really wanted this. At that moment Colin walked back into the room.

'The doctor said you can do another test love and when it's negative again you have to go to the doctor tomorrow. And luckily I bought two tests! So hurry up and try it again.'

I walked into the bathroom. I didn't get my hopes up this time. When I finished I walked out and sat down next to Colin on our bed. Again. And none of us said something. After 10 minutes we had to go and see what the results were.

'Colin? Can you look? I don't want to.' I say.

Colin nodded and walked into the bathroom. He walked out with the test in his hand and a big grin on his face.

'It's positive!' He ran towards me, dropped the test on his way and jumped on top of me on the bed.

'I'm so happy!' I cry. 'I love you so much!'

Colin started kissing me. It was passionate and full of love. He kissed me down my neck and pulled his hands underneath my shirt.

Let's just say we celebrated it our own way.

20 weeks later

Today I will have my first ultrasound. I was really exited. My belly was growing faster than I thought. After the ultrasound we planned a diner and tomorrow Evan was coming over for a week. Last but not least, Ava could have her puppies any moment now!

'Jen are you ready?' Colin screamed from down stairs. Colin and I were really happy the last few weeks. I love him so fucking much.

'Almost!' I shout back. I pulled on jeans and a t-shirt. I already needed special pregnancy clothes.


'Welcome.' The doctor said. 'You can lay down ma'am.'

I laid down and the doctor spread a cold liquid on my bare stomach.

'Look there you can see you bab-... congratulations! You're expecting twins!' The doctor said.

I was so happy! This is all I ever wanted. I could see on the look on Colin's face that he was happy too. The doctor printed the photo for us and handed it to Colin.

'You're babies are perfectly healthy!' The doctor said. 'Take good care of her.' He said to Colin.

'I will.' Colin laughed and we walked out. I still couldn't believe that we were having twins! We didn't want to know the sex yet we wanted it to be a surprise.

'I can't believe we're having twins!' Colin said happily.

'Me neither babe but I'm so happy!' I say.

'I have to get something at the store.' Colin said when we arrived home.

'Okay, see you later!' I gave him a quick kiss before he drove away.

I walked inside the house and decided to call Ginny. Colin and I didn't have to shoot till the babies arrive so I hadn't talked to Ginny for a while.

'Hey Ginny! Guess what!?' I say happily.

'Hi Jen! Did Colin propose?' Ginny asked excitedly.

'Ehm no.' I say confused. 'I'm having twins!' I scream.

'Oh my god congrats Jen! I'm so happy for you two!' Ginny shouted.

'Thank you, Colin and I are very happy too!' I say. 'Can you tell the others so I don't have to?' I ask.

'Yes of course. Goodbye Jen I gotta go!'

'Bye Ginny!' I said before hanging up the phone.

Colin's POV

I wanted to do this for a long time and now I was sure. I met Josh at the store and got what I needed. After that I drove back home.

'Jen! I'm home!' I say happily. I see Jen isn't looking so good. 'Jen are you alright?' I ask her.

'It's my back. It hurts so much.' She says.

I walk towards her and put my hands on our back. 'What about we take a bath and I massage your back?' I say.

'Yeah maybe that'll help.' She said softly.

We walked to the bathroom, took off our clothes. I sat in bath with Jen's back against my chest. I slowly massaged her back and shoulders.

'You like it? Does it help?' I ask her.

'It does. Thank you.' She says sweetly.

'You're welcome love.' I say. I give her a soft kiss on the top of her head.

'I love you.'

Next chapter will be their diner. Will it be an ordinary diner or not? And what is Colin planning? You'll find out next chapter! Love you❤️

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