Chapter 15

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Colin's POV

I woke up with Jen in my arms. Today we had to be separated for our bridal shower. I really didn't want to leave her. I kissed her softly on the lips.

'Good morning to you too babe.' She smiled softly.

'We have to get up love.' I say sadly.

'No I don't want to.' She said and she holds me tight to her chest.

'Me neither love but we have to. I'll see you again tomorrow.'

Jen's POV

Ginny, Lana, Rebecca, Emilie, Rose, Jamie and my sister Julia picked me up.

'Were are we going?' I ask curiously.

'It's a surprise but we're going to get you a wedding dress first. Lana said that you still don't have one and it's gonna be hard cause your also very pregnant.' Ginny said.

We arrived at a store full of wedding dresses. We picked out two dresses.

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I tried them both on and I took the best dress.

'So where are we going now?' I ask.

'It's a secret. Stop asking.'


'Cover your eyes!' Rose says.

'Why?' I ask irritated. 'Okay okay I'll do it.'

They get me out of the car and I felt that we were walking inside a building.

'You can look!' They say.

'Wow this is amazing!' I say surprised. I stood in a beautiful cozy restaurant it kind of vintage. There was a table full of sandwiches, cupcakes and much more.

'It's a British high tea!' Ginny squealed. 'Do you like it?'

'I love it!' I say admiringly. 'It looks delicious, thank you guys!'

'We decided to make it a baby shower as well so we all brought presents!' Jamie said.

I got a lot of baby stuff. I got a little swan toy, a pink and a blue baby blanket, lots of chocolate and two rompers, one with a hook and one with a swan.

'Thank you so much guys, I love it! I say happily.

Colin's POV

Jen went away with the girls, I missed her already. Josh, Sean, Robert and my brother took me to 'the secret destination' as they like to call it.

'Are we there?' I complain.

'No idiot be patient!' Josh says. 'I like Captain by the way he's my new bromance!' He laughed.

A few minutes later we finally arrived.

'Cover your eyes, dearie!' Robert says.

I did as they said and when I opened my eyes I was in the middle of a strip club.

'What the hell?' I shout. 'This is ridiculous! Get me back to Jen!' I command.

'Just sit down and enjoy your last day as a unmarried man.'

'I don't want to!' Just then there walked an almost naked woman towards me. I almost gave in but I didn't. It felt like betrayal towards Jen, I couldn't do it. I walked out of the club and called Jen.

'Jen help me! They took me to a strip club!' I say.

'It's okay Colin don't worry about me. Go back in and have fun! It's your last day as unmarried man! I love you, bye!' She said and hung up the phone.

I finally gave in and walked back inside. I was instantly pulled down on a chair by a bunch of half naked women. I should enjoy it but I can't all I can think about is Jen.

When all the boys were drunk I sneaked out of the club. I was going to find Jen I didn't care if I was allowed or not. I had to see her right now.

Jen's POV

After the high tea the girls dropped me off at a hotel. I told them I was tired so I left to my room, I wasn't really tired but I just missed Colin. I wish he could be here with me. My phone rang, I looked at the screen and saw it was Colin.

'Hey babe! Why are you calling?' I ask.

'Love I left the club and I'm looking for you. Where are you?'

'We're not allowed to see each other you know that right?

'I know but I don't care. Where are you?'

'I'm at the hotel near the set. I can't wait to see you!' I say and I hang up my phone.


A few minutes later I heard a knock on my door when I opened it I saw Colin with a big grin on his face.

'Hello love, I couldn't miss you for one more minute!' He said and started kissing me. He pressed me softly against the wall and closes the door with his foot.

'I missed you too babe.' I moan softly.


'Colin you need to leave.' I tell him the next morning. 'You're not allowed to be here.' I whisper.

'But I want to stay with you love!' He said sadly.

'I know but I'll see you tonight. You should take another room and tell your friends you slept there okay?'

'Okay love, I miss you already!' He gives me a quick peck on my lips and leaves the room.

'I miss you too.' I mumble before I fall back asleep.

Next chapter will be their wedding! I hope you liked it if you did please vote and comment your thoughts!

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