Chapter 5

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Jen's POV

We followed the assistant to a room in the back. She opened the door and I instantly froze along with Colin and the assistant.

'Anal! What the hell do you think you're doing!?' The assistant was the first one to break the silence.

The vet was in the room, with Ava. And God knows what he is doing to her and what he has already done. Ava was on a table an the vet, apparently his name was Anal, was next to her, completely naked. I was shocked and I was at a loss of words and so was Colin. Buckley was with us and he saw it too. He ran towards the vet and bit his dick. Awe he is so protective.

'GET THE DOG OF ME!' The vet screamed in pain.

'Nope.' Colin said smirking. 'You deserved it and much worse. How dare you to steal someone's like that and rape it or... whatever you're doing to the poor dog!' Colin screamed.

'Can you get Ava?' I whispered to Colin pointing to Ava which was still on the table just standing there in shock. My poor baby.

Colin nodded and walked over to Ava to get her. Before grabbing her he punched the vet in the face. He fell on the ground and Buckley jumped on top of him. Colin grabbed Ava while petting her on her little head. He walked over to me gave me a kiss on my cheek before handing Ava to me.

'Aww my poor baby! I missed you so much. Are you okay?' I said while hugging Ava tightly.

'You think she is okay?' Colin asked the assistant. 'And can you please call the police for us so we can go home?'

'I think she is fine and otherwise you can always go and see another vet. I'll call the police for you.' The assistant said.

We thanked her and walked outside to Colin's car.


When we arrived home I sat down on the couch with Ava in my arms. Colin and Buckley sat down next to us.

'So that was quite the adventure don't you think love?' Colin said.

'You can definitely say that!' I sigh.

Ava jumped off my lap followed by Buckley. They lay down in her bed together it was an adorable sight. I smiled to Colin.

'You wanna see what's on Netflix?' I asked Colin.

'I don't know what that is but sure!' Colin smirked.

'Ha ha very funny!' I say sarcastically.

'I know love, I'm just incredibly funny!' He laughed.

'You're a dork!' I say while slapping him on his arm.

'You really like to slap me don't you love?' He said. 'There is something I like to do to you too!' He smirked. He leaned in and kissed me. I kissed back it was one of the best kisses we've ever had. It was hard and full of passion. He was the first one to pull back.

'I love you, Jen.' He said

'I love you too Colin.' I said and we kissed once more.

Okay that was probably a weird chapter but it had an happy ending! Please vote if you liked it and comment your thoughts. There will be some smut next chapter and after that... Who knows? And I want to thank @lexlittlespoon62 for helping me with this chapter. Do you want her to help me more often?

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