Chapter 16

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Jen's POV

Today was our wedding day. I couldn't wait to finally marry my pirate! I was getting ready with my bridesmaids by my side. My sister Julia and my friend Rose were my bridesmaids and Ginny was my maid of honor.

'You look beautiful honey!' My mom says.

'Thank you mom.'

'Are you nervous?' Rose asks.

'To be honest, no, I can't wait to marry him. I've wanted this for so long.' I answer her.

'I couldn't wish for a better son-in-law!' My mom squealed.

'Jennifer you look amazing!' My dad says when he walked in. 'Are you ready? Colin is waiting for you.'

'Yes, couldn't be more ready.'

Colin's POV

I saw Jen walking down the aisle with her dad by her side. Her dad gave her a kiss on her cheek and walked away. It was time for our vows. I take her hands in mine and start.

'I've been dreaming of this day since the first time I met you and now it's finally real.
I promise to be your lover,
Your partner in parenthood,
Your greatest fan,
Your comrade in adventure,
Your consolation in disappointment.
I promise to be your husband and you best friend.
That from this day forward,
I will give you all my love,
and you shall not walk alone.
As your love is my anchor,
and your trust is my strength,
May my heart be your shelter
and my arms be your home.
My dear Jen, I've loved you since the first moment I saw you and I'll love you until my last.'

Tears were now streaming down her face. It was her turn.

'Everyday I wake up in your arms I fall in love with you all over again. 
I couldn't wish for a better friend,
A better husband,
A better father for our children.
When I felt alone, you were always there for me.
The first day I saw you I fell in love with every part of you.
Every time someone mentioned 'Colifer' in an interview I started to blush, that was because I loved you but I was just too scared to admit it. Everyone was always letting me down but I believe you won't.
I fell in love with my best friend and I promise I will never let you go.'

'Colin Arthur Geoffrey O'donoghue, do you take Jennifer Marie Morrison to your lawfully wedded wife?
To have and to hold,
In sickness and health,
To love and to cherish,
Till death do you part?'

'I do.'

'Jennifer Marie Morrison, do you take Colin Arthur Geoffrey O'donoghue to your lawfully wedded husband?
To have and to hold,
In sickness and health,
To love and to cherish,
Till death do you part?'

'I do!'

'I now pronounce you husband and wife. Colin, you may kiss the bride!'

I stood close to her, putted my hands on her cheeks and kissed her softly.

Jen's POV

Colin first kissed me softly but now he picked me up with his hands underneath my butt and started kissing me harder. I kissed him back with my arms wrapped around his neck it was absolutely amazing. I didn't care that everyone was looking at us. I didn't care about anything because I was finally married to my true love.


After the ceremony we had the wedding party. At first Colin and I were going to cut the cake.

'Look at the top!' I say to Colin. Colin brings his head closer to the cake and I push his head in the cake.

'I'll get you for that!' Colin laughed. He grabs a piece of cake and pushes it in my face.

It turned out to be a cake fight and the beautiful cake was fully destroyed. I didn't care, at least we had fun.

It was time for our dance. We chose songs that would bring old memories back; The words from Christina Perri, Say you won't let go from James Arthur and Like I'm gonna lose you from Meghan Trainor.

We started dancing. I wrapped my arms around Colin's neck and he had his hands on my waist. I buried my head in his chest and we slowly danced around the room, forgetting everything around us. When the music ended Colin pulled back and started kissing me, like he was going to do me here and now.

'Maybe we should get out of here?' I ask. 'Everyone is looking at us.' I whisper.

Colin just picked me up bridal style and walked out. We planned our honeymoon for tomorrow and we already packed up so today we could spend together. We booked a hotel for tonight to spend our first night as a married couple.

'You're getting heavy, love!' He smirked.

'You idiot! I can't help that it's the babies fault and you can't blame them for that!'


When we arrived at the hotel Colin immediately started to get of my dress.

'How the hell did you get this dress on, love! I can't open it!' He says irritatedly.

'You just have to do this.' I say and with one hand the dress falls to the ground.

Colin just stood there looking at me.

'Are you gone get your clothes of or not?' I laugh.

(Little smut coming up, if you don't want to read it you can just skip the rest of the chapter)

Colin pushed me down to the bed. He started kissing me down my neck and between my breasts after that he kissed my baby bump. He placed small kisses al over it. It was so sweet! He kissed down to my thigh and ripped off my panties.

'You ready love?'

'Always.' I moan softly.

He thrusts into me, hitting my sweet spot with every thrust.

 Yeah right there! Faster babe, faster!' I moan.

After a while we both orgasm and we just lay there on the bed with our bare bodies fully pressed against each other, breathing heavy and completely covered in sweat.

'Ready for round two?'

They are married! They really should do that in real life but anyway. I hope you liked it please vote and comment your thoughts!

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