Chapter 3: First Hand Look

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Chapter 3: First Hand Look

Mackenzie's POV

It was kind of Mindy to give us a ride here when our moms can't do it earlier on. Seems like she can be a trusted person after all. Brynn was right I can be too trusting at times but these are the rare moments where you meet someone you and they're genuinely nice to you and don't harass you

"Told you Mindy could be trusted" I said to Brynn who was obviously nervous earlier about riding with a stranger

"Well she can be trusted yes but come on Kenzie don't just do that!" Brynn Said

"Do what?" I said innocently

"Trusting complete strangers easily. You know what happened last time and that always makes me nervous" Brynn said with a finger pointed at me

"Oh come on, it was a gut feeling and I always trust my gut because it's always right plus, mom trusted Mindy" I said with a wink

"I hope one day you're gut tells you to stop being insane sometimes" Brynn murmured

"No promises"

We went inside the studio to start helping out and what we saw was total chaos

"What the fuck happened here?!" I screamed

Everything was a mess. Paint was splattered all over the walls and the floor as well as certain equipment are scattered and coated with spilled paint as well. The tumbling trampoline was upside down and some lights are dangling in the ceiling. There was also a bow, obviously Jojo's, stuck in the ceiling. On one wall, there was glitter plastered on it and then we also see glass shattered and laid out on the floor. My gosh that is one expensive mirror

"Uhh hi Kenzie..hi Brynn...a little help?"

We look above us and we were shocked to see Jojo stuck in the ceiling with what appears to be wallpaper paste

"Jojo? How the fuck did you get stuck there?!" I asked her

"Funny story...I tried painting this part of the ceiling but suddenly I got stuck in the hand, followed by my arms, then my whole body kind of followed suit. Kind of fun hanging around here actually" Jojo said with a smile. That girl can be weird sometimes

"Painting the ceiling? With wallpaper paste?!" Brynn said just as perplexed as I am

"Well I thought it was paint! Someone here thought that she bought paint" Jojo said

"Well I thought it was paint too! It was labeled paint when I got it from the store"

Kendal approached us and she was also covered in wallpaper paste from head to toe and her hair was mostly pointing up as if she was electrocuted. I can't help but laugh at what we were seeing

"Oh no don't you two dare laugh!" Kendall said

"Oh no no no we aren't laughing...honest.." Brynn said, obviously holding her laugh but I was weak at this so I bursted laughing. Hard. Brynn couldn't help it either so she laughed hard as well

"Oh go ahead. Laugh at what we look like. Very funny" Kendall said sarcastically

"Oh man sorry K that shit is way too funny" I said with a laugh

"Kenzie has a point K. You look like the bride of frankenstein" Brynn said laughing

"Oh man finally someone agrees with me!" We hear Jojo said from the ceiling

"Go ahead laugh all you want. This is going to be hard to take off" Kendall moaned

"Well I think that's better than being giant glittering pixies!" I heard someone said from behind us

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