Chapter 14: We Finally Meet

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Mackenzie's POV

I gotta admit, I didn't think the city was that close to Glenview and it's very peaceful at night with the occasional late night crowd you usually find in the late hours of the night. But I still felt that the city had a dangerous vibe to it. Some people were looking at us weirdly, the bad kind of weird. Some people out look shady too. Me and JoJo need to tread lightly in the night

"It's so quiet here. A little too quiet" JoJo said as she rode besides me in her bike or her bow mobile as like to call it

"If there's one thing I learned watching horror flicks with Maddie, it's that silence mostly means trouble" I say to JoJo and she nodded in agreement.

We were following Brynn who we actually had a hard time in chasing. Brynn can kick in that board like it was a hoverboard! What else can she really do?! We were in Michigan Avenue, which I feared was very far from home. We had been chasing our friend for an hour now and so far, she seemed not to notice us yet.

"It's a miracle Brynn hadn't notice us" I mutter out

"Maybe my camo get up is helping after all" JoJo said in a toothy grin

"Yeah, by now you'd be invisible with your get up" I said in a sarcastic tone and JoJo just smiled at it

"At this pace, we'd get to see what Brynn's up to at night!" JoJo said with excitement

"Yeah. Hopefully, she doesn't get to turn in an -" I said but I stopped as Brynn turned in a dark alleyway

"-alley. Oh boy....." I'm no expert but I'm pretty sure that an alleyway in the middle of the night is dangerous. Any scum of the earth could be there. Both me and JoJo give each other nervous looks. We parked our bikes on a wall near a lamp post and slowly approached the alley Brynn went in

"Why would Brynn go in there?! Oh god, she might be buying drugs! Or is into black market shit!" JoJo exclaimed nervously, teeth chattering

"Oh please JoJo be quiet! I'm sure Brynn's fine! Let's go follow her" I whisper shout at her

"In there?! Are you crazy?! We might get mugged there! Or worse, raped!" JoJo exclaimed

"Oh you and your huge aren't alone remember? Come on!" I said as I pulled in a terrified JoJo in the dark alley. JoJo usually isn't a chicken but one prank by a certain muser from the net after a party in LA lead her to a dark alley and let's just say, she had one hell of an experience after that and had a fear of going in alleys at dark. I know, strange fear to have

We creep in the alleyway that reeked of shit and shit that you find inside the human body. LA alleyways are worse but still, it reeks in here as well. There was little light coming from the lamp posts from the outside. There was nothing there but a dumpster full of trash and in the middle of the alleyway, a chain fence, dividing the alleyway into two, the lilac skateboard ridden by our friend leaning on one wall. Brynn however, was nowhere in sight

"What the? Where did Brynn go?" I asked no one in particular

"Oh god maybe she got mugged or kidnapped already!" JoJo said in a panic

"Or, she could have climbed the other side of the fence!" I reasoned

"That too but why can't she just go around a street to reach the other side? This place is bad Kenzie I can feel it! I'm getting worried on where might Brynn be" JoJo said nervously. I sighed. I was nervous too and Brynn just disappeared with only her skateboard left in the alley.

"If Brynn climbed the fence, then let's go a climb after her" I said and that shocked JoJo like she saw a ghost

"It's high! I'm not good at climbing either!" JoJo reasoned

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