Chapter 21: Awards

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Mindy's POV

I couldn't help it. I wasn't into this dance shit but I couldn't help it. I stood up and clapped for my daughter. She was so beautiful to watch. Fuck, she was beautiful and amazing! All the others gave Steph a standing ovation except for Jeannie who was being the bitch she is. She was gloating on how Kaylee, her daughter was the best in the junior category when it comes to solos every step of the way. Me and Megan were ready to pounce on her had it not been for Dave and the twins and of course, one stare from Marcys and it was a dead end for us. The other moms were tearing up, touched on what Steph had displayed. Fuck and she isn't even their daughters!

"To think that the little killer actually knows how to dance.." I whispered, not wanting to ruin the reputation I have with the mothers

"You can say that again" Dave said with a smile

"Steph was awesome!" The twins said together, clearly proud of their big sister.

"No kidding! Looks like Steph's surprised herself. Look at the look on her face" Megan laughed. Steph seemed surprised yet she was smiling, albeit shyly

"My God...her dancing reminds me of Maddie's..." Melissa said besides me.

"That's your eldest right Melissa?" I asked her

"Yes she is. Steph reminded me of a younger Maddie...when she was just her age" Melissa said with a tear slipping down her face. Steph took a bow and walked backstage. I was sure she was going to be stormed by hugs from the girls as they went back

"Oh please! That's your daughter Mindy?! She's mediocre at best!" Jeannie scoffs

"What did you say about my daughter bitch?!" I said, clearly annoyed at her antics about Steph and the other girls

"You heard me girl..she's mediocre at best and amateur at worst. Just like the daughters of these bitches" Jeannie spat and it followed by the counter insults of the moms

"How obnoxious!" Katherine huffs

"You know, my Sarah can do better choreo than your stiff board of a daughter!" Christy shouts and that amazes me because she was the over religious one

"I see you got your head on your ass" Kira hissed

"Brynn can run circles around your daughter Jeannie and Steph comes close too!" Ashlee shouts

"You just make me want to get one of JoJo's boes and strangle you!" Jess exclaims

"Ladies, calm down! Jeannie, stop being rude!" Holly scolds like the principal she is

"You know it's no wonder the world sees Kaylee as shit because your shit!" Jill says in her usual bitchy tone. Just glad it's not me on the receiving end

"You know what Jeannie, go back to your bottle and shove your mouth in your asshole!" Melissa shouts and boy did I not resist the urge to back up that funny comment

"Bottle? I think she needs a lamp because her ego is huge!" I said and surprisingly, everyone laughed, including principal Holly and bitchy Jill and Jess!

"Whatever! You'll all shut up when my kids win first place and become title holders of Starpower!" Jeannie scoffs

"Jeannie please stop -"

"Shut up Helena! Your daughter couldn't keep up with my own daughters, even Coco!" Jeannie scolded the squirming woman besides her. I felt sorry for her. We all fell silent and prepared to watch the last portion of the competition which is the group dances. I don't know about you but I think Steph is worthy of first place

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