Chapter 20: Competition Day

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Thursday Night

Mindy's POV

"They want me to what?" I asked Steph, confused on what she just said

"Competition is in 2 days and all the mums want you to be in our costume fitting tomorrow in the studio" Steph said to me with a poker face, clearly tired of the recent patrol and damned dance rehearsal from that studio. I still have reservations about Steph's new interest

"Why do they want me to see you fit a costume? You'd look like a pansy anyway" I told her with a chuckle. She just glared at me like I just insulted her ancestors

"Cheeky fucker you are Hit Girl" Steph growled

"Why can't Dave come instead? You guys know I'm not in the good graces of some of the mothers there" I reasoned. It was half true because Melissa and me are tight and Ashlee seems pleased to always see me. That Kira woman is a bit skeptic and I haven't even met the two remaining moms and not to mention, fucking Jess is there and let's not forget the asshole Jill

"Well I'd like to come with to check on Steph but you do realize that me plus children surely being naked to fit costumes scream pedophilia for me right?" Dave said with a laugh, taking a sip of his after patrol hot chocolate

"Well you have a point there but still, I feel awkward with those mothers and makes me feel like they're waiting to rip me apart!" I exclaimed

"Well if it means to you, I'll come with you both for support and just in case you cause another outburst there" Chloe said besides me

"Thanks for the support Chloe but trust me, I won't let another outburst like that happen again"

"Oh please, we can't even trust you in the cooking much less have an outburst!" Steph said with a snigger and the next thing she knew, a knife was embedded on the wall very close to her ear. She was unsurprisingly startled

"You can be a bitch sometimes you know that MIndy?" Chloe said to me

"Well I have to live up to being one don't I?"

The next day

"I still feel like all of them are going to rip me to shreds" I muttered as me, Steph, and Chloe entered the dance studio. The moment we entered, several students and adults looked at my direction with apprehension and some were fucking glaring at me

"What's up with these people and their look on their faces?" I whispered to Chloe

"Well you did cause a scene here and maybe they remember you?" Chloe whispered back

"Well I won't be surprised if it really was the cause. A lot of people saw anyway" Said Kira, who was strutting towards in our direction with a poker face with a hint of determined. She was followed by a tall black american woman who was slightly thin and medium length black hair but unlike Kira, she had a gentle expression in the face

"Well hello to you too Kira and..." I said, looking over at the tall woman

"Principal Holly! Crazy finding you here!" Chloe exclaimed

"Well hello there dear Chloe. I see you're also here to dance?" The tall woman, Holly said with a smile. I looked over at Chloe with an amused expression

"Wait, she's your new principal? Small world...she causing a lot trouble lately in school" I aid with a chuckle and Chloe glared at me

"Oh Chloe's a gentle student in the school. Most of the time anyway" Holly said, knowingly looking to an embarrassed Chloe

"Does it involved kissing a certain Joshua Williams?" I said and Steph couldn't help but laugh with me too while Chloe blushed hard

"Oh you know Chloe so well. Mindy Mccready I presume?" Holly asked me

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