Chapter 11: World Switch Part 1

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Brynn's POV

Today, all of us have a groggy morning. Every single one in the house is sleep deprived, by every one, I mean me, mom, dad, Noah, Sadie, everyone especially me. I got the burglar scenario acted out last night so Mackenzie and JoJo don't suspect a thing that it was me who was sneaking in my own house. I'm just not taking any chances of being recognized but I did feel that they'd been spying on me.I wonder if they're on to me? I woke up everyone last night and as expected, everyone was on full alert, including my siblings though no one found anyone, why should they, mom and dad got suspicious because there was no sign of the burglar or any signs of forced entry but they got convinced that it was a sneaky one and it got away cleanly. Mom though, got panicked so much that she even made Jess and Melissa along with JoJo and Mackenzie got the situation known and all of them came here to check us out though we did say we were okay and they were assured that all is well for us and I also didn't forget to point out that it was Mackenzie and JoJo who pointed out the 'burglar' much to the delight of Melissa and Jess.

Now though, we were all sleep deprived

"Morning everyone. What's for breakfast?" I greeted to them, with a wide smile. I sat between my two siblings who both gave me a nod.

"Morning to you too Brynn. You slept well last night?" my mom, Ashlee asked

"Not really. I couldn't sleep last night" I replied to them sheepishly

"Well I couldn't either because I was a bit nervous about last night" My sister, Sadie said to no one in particular

"Me too. I was scared that the burglar would come back" My baby brother, Noah said on my other side

"Well no burglar was present and everyone's good. Besides, dad here won't let anyone hurt you" my step dad, Ryan said to us and I smile at him and Sadie and Noah cheer on him with mom, laughing lightly. Ryan is a good second father to us and is not like those typical evil step father or mother types like you see in movies. He's actually pretty fun to be with though, I still do miss my real dad more

"I'm sure you'd defend us really great Ryan" mom said teasingly

:Oh shut it honey" Ryan said playfully

"Since everyone is sleep deprived, I made lots of coffee for everyone but hot chocolate for you Noah" Mom said as she placed a plate of stacked pancakes in front of me and poured some coffee in my mug and she did the same with the others before she sat down and ate her breakfast. We ate in silence save for Noah's loud chewing.

"So Sadie, Noah, you ready for your first martial arts lesson in Chicago?" Ryan asked

"You bet dad! I heard that this dojang we'll go to is awesome!" Noah cheered on

"Yeah and it's also close to Brynn's dance studio" Sadie added

Unlike me, Sadie and Noah are more focused on martial arts, saying that they experience the rush in beating people up, much to the total opposite of the concept of self defense. Mom and dad wanted the best experience for them and so enrolled them in the infamous DJAK, where Mindy apparently yelled at Jill and the other moms, though we weren't there to see the action unfold

"I'm just nervous about this. There's other studios here but we chose the one owned by the apparent invader of our dance studio" Mom said

"Well yeah I get that honey but DJAK is the number one and most prestigious martial arts studio here in Chicago plus they have great deals too" Ryan quipped

"I heard it's so good that even police come there for classes" Sadie added.

"Wow, that famous huh?" I say to them

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