Chapter 7: Grand Opening

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Dance Vigilantes

Chapter 7: Grand Opening

Kalani's POV

It's been four days since we got settled in on Chicago and everything seems okay for now. Well, most of the time. I've been having some trouble sleeping. I still get some nightmares about how me and my mom got held hostage at knife point. It kept me up most nights and that made going to school a little bit troublesome because sometimes I get out of focus and doze off in class. Luckily, NIa's always there to make the save and save me embarrassment and Saoirse also tried to cover my back once in awhile. I wasn't the only one who was suffering the nightmares though. My mom, Kira also suffered them and she often cries about it. Always saying what if she dies and who would take care of us or what if I died and she couldn't bear it. I tried to calm her down when the nightmares attack and I try to be the braver one. Sure I cry about it at times but I try to be brave. I try to hide it and just move on with life and focus on the positive.

One of the positive things I have in my life besides dance? Boys! Chicago has lots of them and school is just to die for of the hunks there. Josh seems to be a very handsome man and I like the fact that he was british. All of us have fetishes for anything british related. Even my mom. Too bad he's with Chloe which I really can't mention without having some certain thoughts about that name. His friends though, are cute all the same especially that Kyle guy. I wonder if he's single? Lots of boys may notice me but I try my best to politely decline them. I still feel I'm not ready for a relationship yet

Another positive thing is that today was the weekend and there was no school and also, it was the studio's grand opening! We were so excited! FInally, a place to rekindle our passion to dance again and share it with other kids.

"Kalani let's go! We might be late for the grand opening of our studio" mom said besides me as I was fixing my hair in the mirror

"I'm finishing up the fast I can mom and besides, it's not like there's any Abby to yell at us anyway" I said and me and my mom laughed at it

"Well I guess you're right but let's still hurry it up we still need to set a good example" Mom replied and went down the living room to fetch Jett, my baby brother. Jax, my other brother, would stay here with my step dad.

Once I was ready, I go down and meet my mom, who was fixing her make up in the mirror on the living room. I noticed how her bags under her eyes seemed to widen even more. That worries me

"Mom, you haven't been sleeping well huh?" I said. Mom just looked at me and smiled

"Oh honey, don't worry about me. It's...nothing" Mom said as she continued on in fixing her make up

"It really worries me how you're sleep is being affected by what happened last night" I say to her

"Well it's okay for me as long as you're not being affected by it that much. The trauma might be more larger for me since I got knife pointed and you as well. I'm glad we get to live another day but...I can't really imagine the fear I had that night. I thought I was going to lose you.." my mom said as her eyes water a bit

"Oh mom don't'll ruin your make up. It's just that I worry that this might affect your health too"

"Oh don't worry about me. I'm sure this'll go away in a few weeks of two. As long as you're the one who's safe. Same with your brothers"

"Are you sure about that mom?"

"Yeah I'm sure about it. Well, let's get going now. We might get caught in traffic if we leave"

We say goodbye to my step dad and Jax and took Jett with us to the studio. Dad was able to buy us a new car here in Chicago. I had enough saved during my time in dancing and modelling. It was a good thing many still took me up for modelling unlike the other projects that rejected us. We work with what we have but I'm sure we'll rise again in this turmoil.

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