Chapter 26: Different Kind of Fame

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Dance Vigilantes

Chapter 26: Different Kind of Fame

The next day
Lakeview Highschool
Brynn’s POV

It's very understandable that my body feels very sore after our little stint with those druggies last night. Being a vigilante can really hurt you. I'm surprised by body hadn’t imploded from all the exhaustion, especially when I dance every single day! Thanks to those two bastards, I had some bruises that while few, absolutely hurt!

Second period was done and me, JoJo, Kelly, and Kenzie were walking along the halls when we see a commotion near our lockers

“Are those crazy fanboys trying to pry open my locker again?!” Kenzie screeched. She had some issues lately with people breaking in on her locker to find some Mack Z merchs they planned to sell to ebay. Some fans are just weird sometimes

“What do you even keep there? Gold?” Kelly asked

“Very very very important stuff!” Kenzie replied angrily

“So nudes then?” I joked and her fuming face was just priceless

“Very funny Brynn...let’s just go and see what’s going on there!” Kenzie shouts as she dragged us closer to her locker. We tried to squeeze  through the crowd with JoJo acting as our human bulldozer.

“JoJo with a Bow Bow and a fuming hormonal locker owner coming through!” JoJo said as she pushed inwards. When we got to the clearing in the crowd, there standing with people asking, was Kamryn with a bright smile on her face. She saw us an beamed at us further

“Hey guys! Nice to see ya! Did the people got you pushed here?” Kamryn said with a bright smile 

“Hey Kamryn! What’s going on here? Are these people asking you out on a date or something?” I asked her

“Wha?! You’re trying to make my locker into a vegas chapel?” Kenzie added with a perplexed expression. Kamryn laughed while the rest of us looked to her, confused

“And they say I go from 0 -100” JoJo muttered

“Way to jump the gun Kenzie. First of all, my locker is next to yours remember? Second, I was just talking to some friends then I showed them the selfie I had with Fusion the other night and -”

“Wait, you had a selfie with Fusion?! Let me see!” Kelly squealed as we followed her in checking out Kamryn’s phone. There in the phone was a picture of Kamryn, having an excited look in her face with Kick Ass, Psyche and me as Starlight. It was weird how we were in combat suits yet we were posing in different ways for the photo.

“You had a photo with Kick Ass and Psyche!” Kelly squealed again

“Wait...who’s the other one? I don’t recognize her!” JoJo asked

“I think she called herself Starlight!” Kamryn replied

“Starlight? The same Starlight from LA? The one that saved our asses one night?!” Kenzie said in a rising excited tone

“Possibly hmm….did she had a pair of tonfas? Starlight was known for her tonfas” I asked, playing along

“Two of them with blades coming out of each!” Kamryn replied and she proceeded to recall the events that happened as much as she can in her perspective, not even leaving out how she helped me in capturing the druggie

“OMG that is Starlight and now she’s with Fusion!” Kenzie shouted. Next I heard are people buzzing about how awesome Starlight is and one even went to Youtube on his phone to watch my earlier skirmishes. It was hard to fight the urge to smile. It felt like the first time I got famous for my dancing

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