Chapter 6: Starlight

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Dance Vigilantes

Chapter 6: Starlight

Starlight's POV

None of the girls know that I was secretly being a vigilante by night. It all started back in one dance practice back in the LA studio with the mini dance team: Areana, Liliana, Elliana, Peyton and Alexus.


Competition week was in 3 weeks time and we were doing extra work in our dance. This was big because the competition was Nuvo and it was the first Nuvo competition for the minis. They were beyond overjoyed and their doing the best they can with their performances but as the time we have was only a few, they needed extra practice time that usually took up to 10:00 PM, sometimes, even later than that.

It was past 10:30 PM already and we were about to leave. Everybody was tired, especially the minis. I was the only one from the elite team to stay behind the studio because I was assisting them in their group performance. It was a hip hop performance and it happens to be a specialty of mine. I was with Gianna and we were taking the minis home in their individual homes due to their moms needing to do some errands and we were trusted enough to take care of them. As we were leaving the studio and locking it up, five men approached us. They looked menacing and dangerous

"Where the hell's the money?!" One man said

"Please! We're still settling here in LA. How much more do you want from us?!" Gianna shouted

"We'll stop when we feel like it! Hand over the goods or you'll wake up with one your students hurt the next morning!" The man growled back

Gianna was scared shitless and the minis clinged on to her, crying their eyes out. This is the first time I saw this kind of scene with Gia. Even I was scared but I didn't want to show it. Gia went back to the studio and a few minutes later, came back with a lot of cash in her hands. Tearfully, she handed it over to the men and they counted it

"See how obeying us can save us time? Keep this up and we'll make sure you're precious students won't get hurt again" The man said as he and his cronies went on laughing. Once they were gone, the miis started to cry harder and Gia hung her head down

"Gia, what was that all about? Why'd they you just give them a lot of money?" I asked, perplexed. Gia sighed and looked at me with sad eyes.

"Those men...They're people who thinks that we're rich because of the show...they appeared here not long ago. They extort me in giving them some money in exchange for privacy..." Gianna said tearfully

"Like a protection gig? Why'd you agree on complying?! Can't you just refuse?!" I shouted. Gia then cried even more

"Brynn...if I don't comply, they harass me. I mean it's okay if it's still me but then they tried to harass the minis too. They thrash their homes and stalked and scare them...." Gia said as the minis were now crying harder

"Can't you just tell Miss Abby? Report it to the police?"

Oh Brynn....those men ARE the police. Part of those corrupt types...even if I try to report it to the police, they'll just twist the story and we'll just get into more trouble. Abby might not believe me when that happens"

It made my blood boil. How could they torment Gia like that? How could they do such things to little children? The events went on for a few nights and Gia even got scolded by Abby on why some money in the studio's safe were dwindling. Gia couldn't say anything. She can't say anything and she's taking all of Abby's rage and it pains me to see it. One night, Gia gave less money than before and that made the corrupt cops upset and demanded more but that was all that was to it. As punishment, they beaten up Gia and even attempted to molest me and the minis but I made sure that me and the minis were safe. After that mess, the cops demanded more or the studio will be the one that suffers. Gia was a total emotional and physical wreck. I couldn't stand it. I have to do something. I have martial arts experience but that wasn't enough. I needed weapons and I need to conceal my identity because the media can twist everything you do sometimes.

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