Chapter 37: The Start of Forbidden Love

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Dance Vigilantes
Chapter 37: The Start of Forbidden Love

May 27th, 2016. Friday, 07:30 PM

Lakeview Highschool

Steph’s POV

Earlier today was our general practice for Jump! dance competition and I can’t believe I’m saying this, but dancing had been a lot harder than training and being a vigilante. Seriously, all the movement, bending, and making your legs reach out to places you never thought possible in your body feels like being shoved in a mixer and stretched like taffy. But I’m sure that we’ll be more than ready to take on Dancemania, especially that bitch Kaylee.

That name just makes me seethe in anger, unlike her sister Rihanna and to a sort of weird extent, Coco, who’s acting weird around Danny, which I’m not liking. Tomorrow, I’ll take Kaylee down on a major competition, as the girls had put it.

For tonight however, we get to witness a play that I’m already bored to fuck already

“Steph! Wake up and show some goddamn respect for the play!” Dad whisper shouted

“Wha? Who? Where?” I mumbled as I adjusted my eyes and see. I scowl as I saw that the play ain’t over yet

“I can’t help it dad. You know I don’t bloody like these kinds of things” I mumbled. Tonight was Kalani’s play for Romeo and Juliet. Everyone, including Chloe, Josh, Brad, Sam, SD, Lauren,  Lizzie, Talia and the rest of the girls from the studio are here. They were seated together with their moms and I went to support Kalani as well, as did the twins and dad. Mum was out patrolling with the rest.

Kalani was indeed beautiful, with all her fair skinned glory and the french bun really did frame her face very well. I took a look over at SD and she looked like she was going all bi with Kalani, which I don’t blame her.

Wait, why the fuck am I saying that?

“Pardon her dad. Steph’s just secretly picturing herself as juliet” Anne Mari sniggered from dad’s other side.

“Oh please! As if I’d wear a long gown and style my hair like that. Plus, the whole old english wording is fucking annoying” I said matter of factly

“Says the girl who said she doesn’t like dancing and wearing indecent clothing” Danny said back to me which made dad chuckle and Anne Marie laugh loud. I would have flipped them off but I already owed too much for the swear jar, that I was officially broke

“Quiet kids! I can’t hear the play over your banter. The kissing part is about to start” Kira shushed as she looked sternly at us but started to focus on the play.

“Yes kids, pipe down so I can see my son - what the? You people!” Someone said in front of us. The woman with long, flowing blonde hair was all too familiar. Especially with her over lipsticked lips and scowl.

“Jeannie…..” We heard Kira seeth besides us. Three other heads also turned behind us to reveal a scowling Coco, a smiling Rihanna, and of course, the devil herself, Kaylee, who was trying to suck my soul with her state. As if she’s gonna find something! The other moms and girls looked on and the girls gave disapproving looks and eyerolls. The others from our team were just confused as to who the Quinns are. Dad shook his head and put his head on his hand

“Hi girls!” Rihanna said with a wave and smile

“Hi Danny! AM…” Coco waived over excitedly to Danny but spat the last part like venom when it reached Anne Marie

“Coco…” Anne Marie scowled and I could have sworn I heard a faint bitch somewhere along there

“Lizewski….” Kaylee coldly said to me

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