Chapter 38: Might As Well Jump Pt. 1

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Dance Vigilantes
Chapter 38: Might As Well Jump Pt. 1

May 28th, 2016. Saturday, 09:30 AM

Auditorium Theater, Roosevelt University, Chicago

Steph’s POV

The competition is at 10:30 AM yet, we arrived at 9 AM. And we were the first of our group to arrive too! What’s even stranger is how I’m the one who urged everyone to get up early!

For some reason...I felt really excited for this

“We are literally the first of our team to arrive here. Why the fuck do we have to be so early?” Mum said as she got off the car and got out some of my bags from the trunk. It was just me, mum, and the twins this time. Dad has work to be done in DJAK and the others have their personal businesses.

“Yeah. Why are you uncharacteristically happy about dance? It's not like you…” Anne Marie said suspiciously.

“Oh shut up all of you! This ain’t a cakewalk. It's like a bloody martial arts competition but with lots and lots of bending” I said a matter of factly as I got one of my bags and started to go towards our venue, which is the Auditorium Theater. Its pretty big but then again, it is part of the Roosevelt University.

“I really feel those girls are starting to get to your head” Mum said as she adjusted the bag she’s carrying on her shoulder and followed suit. The entrance has a lot of people, particularly little girls and young teens around. When some of them looked at me, they squealed and cheered.

“Its her! Ms. Starpower!”

“That’s the beginner who beat Kaylee Quinn!”

“She’s here too! Wave hi to me! Wave hi!”

“Where’s the rest of the team?!”

“W-what’s happening? Why are they so...happy and giddy to see us?” I said as we went inside. Usually, I don’t mind being noticed by some people but not on this level. This was nerve wracking and a little pressuring. Something definitely out of my environment.

“I think it’s only you Steph. Looks like you got some fans ever since your win!” Danny teased as he elbowed me in the arm

“What?! No fucking way?” I said back. No way am I celebrity material!

“Steph the celebrity dancer. Wonder how long until you turn out like Lindsay Lohan?” Mum laughed. I in turn, gave her a scowl as a response.

“You only want an excuse to take me out, don’t you?” I asked mum

“Maaaaybe” Was her response. I will never get used on how a bitch Mindy can be


Once inside, we were directed inside by the competition staff to a dressing room found along the corridors of the backstage. Several doors have signs up front that have either weird phrases or initials written on them. I realize they were names of dance studios when I saw the words “studio” and dance company” written all over them. We stopped on one door that had “SCDC” written on its sign.

“Oh for the love of fuck! Really?!” Mindy exclaimed. We look over her and see her face scrunched in disgust with the staff in sheer confusion as to what just happened to mum

“What’s wrong mum?” I asked her.

“This day just got a lot more interesting in a fucked up way” Mindy said in disgust as she pointed on the door across ours. I got myself scowling and understanding why mum was so riled up. The door had its sign written as “Dancemania Studios”

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