Chapter 25: Comments

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Dance Vigilantes

Chapter 25: Comments

Brynn’s POV

Surprisingly, I’m not that sleep deprived anymore after the patrol we did last night. Either my body’s getting used to it or it had something to do with the rush I felt when I was out as Starlight. This had never happened to me before. I felt so alive last night, with all the action and I felt so alive now! Whatever, good for me than bad anyway. I got to school without Kenzie and JoJo. Kenzie was ‘out as a light’ as Melissa said it and JoJo used mouthwash as shampoo for some reason! I swear, that girl…

I went to my locker to grab my needed things and leave the ones I needed later. After that, I went to my class. While walking, I checked Instagram to check and like some posts and read some comments. I appreciated them but some were really mean, especially that one of Kaylee’s where she called us worthless in her comment on my post. It was our group picture from Starpower, all smiles, our first major victory in a while, with Steph standing awkwardly in the middle with a crown and sash on her. Her half smile, half scowl was pretty hilarious to see.

As I went walking, stuck in my phone, I suddenly felt a solid object bumped into me and I stumbled, books getting scattered on the ground

“Come on lady, it's not hard to watch where you're going! Stop texting while walking too!” a male voice said as I got my bearings. He seemed rude. But then again, I was the one plastered on the phone
“ need to be snarky..” I muttered as I picked up my books

“Here, let me help you..” The boy said as he picked up one book and gave it to me. I lift my head to face him and I was slightly shocked to see who it was.

It was the boy from the convenience store that got ganged up. What was his name? Aidan? He had a few small bruises left and a bandage on his cheeks but otherwise, he looks clean. He also looked handsome too now that I had a close look at him. He had a guitar case strapped behind him, making him smaller looking

“Uhhh hello? You’re kind of looking at me weird now” He said with a quick chuckle and I realized, I’m already staring at him for a long time

“Oh uh...sorry for bumping into you like that. Should have been looking…” I said to him.

“No problem with that. I’m Aidan! You’re Brynn right?” He said with a very charming gosh what am I saying?

“Umm yeah. How’d you know my name?” I asked him

“Well you did appear on national television and your talk of the dance community as being one of the best” He said with a light laugh

Of course. How’d I miss that? Perhaps the effects of little sleep is still with me

“Oh yeah. Sorry, a little sleep deprived. You looked roughed up” I said to him. His smiling face turned serious

“Oh, this? It’s nothing. Just a mess that I handled He replied. Wow, at least give Starlight credit

“This doesn’t look like a little mess” I said with a smirk and raised eyebrow. His face seemed to falter

“I guess a tough guy stint ain’t for me. Some bullies beat me up last night but luckily, Fusion came helping and beat the shit out of ‘em. Man, I still can’t forget about that Starlight” He said in a  sort of wistful trance

“Starlight? Who might that be?” I lied

“I don’t know but she’s such a badass! You should have seen her! I can’t stop thinking about her!” He exclaimed with a wide smile. My, my, I have a big fan already!

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