Chapter 30: First Time for Everything

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Dance Vigilantes
Chapter 30: First Time for Everything

Downtown, Chicago
Starlight’s POV

I gotta hand it to Shadow, she was right about enjoying the speed of the ride. My Ninja H2 was just a beast! But I fear it at the same time. I’m afraid that one way or another, I might topple over if I speed to much. For a vigilante, I’m sure am a speed chicken

We were en route downtown and I was with Hit Girl and Jackal. I figured with Psyche always being my side lately, we needed different companions.

For tonight’s patrol, we split into three teams. We were Alpha team consisting of me, Hit Girl and Jackal. Bravo team was Kick Ass, Psyche, and Wildcat. Charlie team was Nightmare, Petra and SD with Shadow, Trojan, Medic and Raven, who I yet to get to know who she, is on standby as backup.

On our helmet visors, a certain video of some certain videos about a meth lab raid was being played, broadcasted courtesy of Battle Guy and Hal

“How did none of you spot spot these two kids?! I admit, they’re good at shooting every detail of your fight but they could have been in fucking danger any time!” Hit Girl growled over the comms

“Well we were focused on saving our behinds! A lot of those bordados were coming and we can hardly notice things!” I reasoned to her

“But good thing they did decide to take a video anyway. Really handy to assess your prowess in battle” Jackal piped

“As long as they get my good angles, I don’t mind being videod while in action!” I commented

“Like your ass Starlight?” Nightmare said and that some people sniggering and some, outright laughing

“Why Nightmare, I didn’t know you were into girly booty?” I said as a comeback and that elicited even more laughs

“You’re good at comebacks Starlight. Really good…” Nightmare replied

“So, you mentioned that one of the kids who filmed you is a kid in your grade?” Hit Girl asked

“Yeah. His name’s Aidan. Great singer, especially with a guitar but he’s also good with the school paper. He asked me out this saturday to hangout. He always acts…... weird when I’m around” I say as we take a turn to the next street. It was true. Everytime I encounter Aidan, he kind of gives me a weird stare and although he’s known to be confident, he tends to be shy when I’m around

My thoughts was then interrupted by a series of Oohs and giggles

“Looks like someone has a date ~” Wildcat sang over the comms

“Oh shut up all of you! It ain’t a date, it’s just me hanging out and wanting to get to know someone who wants to be your friend” I reasoned

“Exactly, a date!” Petra piped in and I just mentally slap myself

“Anyway, as much as I enjoyed that for a bit, If I find these kids, I won’t hesitate to knock some fucking sense into them to putting themselves in danger but I have to thank them...we can now see how Lotus really fights!” Hit Girl said

“Are you seriously still suspicious about Lotus? She may be a bit whacked but she’s a hero like us! We should unite and work together for justice!” I reasoned. Hit Girl responded with a growl

“Look Starlight, she did good and while her deed was admirable even with the whole money thing being taken when she left not to mention, her skills with that fucking ax is admittedly awesome, I still don’t trust her! The last thing I need is a backstabbing mother fucker” Hit Girl growled. What is up with Hit Girl and vigilantes appearing left and right

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