Chapter 34: Request

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Dance Vigilantes
Chapter 34: Request

May 15, 2016. Sunday, 10:00 AM
Montrose Beach, Chicago

Brynn’s POV

So summer is coming soon. That means everybody’s gonna start to crave the beach again and endanger themselves to have skin cancer just to have that perfect tan. But for us, we were having it a bit early. Last night, Kelly called us to see if we wanted to go to the beach to rollerskate like we did back then in LA. I was a bit confused at first because I know that Chicago was more famous for The Bean and that tower with two antennas at the top that kept forgetting the name of. But Kelly, the adventurous she is, actually found an actual beach in Chicago

Seeing the opportunity, I called yes on going to the beach, as did Kenzie and JoJo. The other girls however, didn’t have time. Nia had a babysitting job that she committed with the Williams, Kalani was preoccupied with their play as Juliet, and Kendall wanted to go to the studio early to rehearse her solo for Jump, which is quite surprising considering Kendall is more akin to singing, at least pre incident wise

Montrose Beach is not as close to beaches in LA. It was small and the smell of seawater was lacking due to the fact that it was because the body of water surrounding it was a lake and not the sea. But it was beautiful nonetheless with a bird sanctuary and a golf course nearby, a volleyball playing area, a boat harbor where yachts are docked and jet skis can be rented and of course, a roller skating lane in between the beach and some beachside shacks. The beach actually resembled Miami rather than LA

“Why Brynn Rumfallo, are you still having trouble skating with shoes on wheels?” Kelly laughed as she and JoJo circled me while I struggled and wobbled to stay balanced

“Oh sure, mock my suffering in skating. At least I’m improving….man, why does everyone else make it look easy?” I whined as i stumbled and almost fall while staying in balance with my skates. I don’t know why months of skating in Arizona and LA hadn’t given me improvement on it yet. But what’s weirder is me still accepting to rollerskate when I know I suck at this

“We’ve done this a lot of times in LA Brynn! By now you should have improved now” Kelly teased

“Yeah! I bet you spend more time driving your old golf cart back home rather than skating on your own” JoJo added

“Oh believe me, I’d rather drive a golf cart to drive over your rude asses” I goiwled good naturedly and the laughed instead of getting intimidated. I thought being Fusion meant you can scare some people?  Then I felt a breeze pass through my left and saw that it was a smirking Mackenzie who was skating backwards!

“Why Brynn, you’re cursing more than usual. You getting a little bit of me in you?” Kenzie teased

“Keep it up and I might be worse than you and also, just how are you able to skate backwards?!” I questioned. I mean really, how can you do that sort of thing. She avoids and skate forward easily without looking!”

“Practice does make perfect and stumbling didn’t make me scared and stop, unlike a certain blonde here” Kenzie laughed. I just huffed in response

“Uhh….all three of us are blondes. Who are you talking about Kenz?” JoJo said in a confused tone. Me, Kelly, and Kenzie looked at each other confused and shake our heads

“She means me JoJo…” I said as I wobbled again and Kelly managed to grab me just in time before I fell on my butt

“Oh! Now that makes perfect sense!” JoJo laughed

“You’re the salt of the earth JoJo” Kenzie chuckled

“Okay, I think Brynn’s a little hot headed with all the stumbling in her skates -” Kelly said, laughing

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