Chapter 19: Guns, Dance, Past

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Two days later

Mackenzie's POV

""What do we have that big chair for?"" I questioned as Gia and JoJo moved a soft yet heavy looking lounge chair in the studio

""This, dear Mackenzie is your prop for your dance"" Gia said with a flourish to the chair

""Prop? I just thought you were developing an Abby attitude and just want to sit on a comfy chair while teaching us"" JoJo said with a snigger. I chuckled however, and Gia threw a glare at JoJo

""Does this figure look like it just sits all day in a chair?""

""Errr...maybe?"" JoJo replied


Gia playfully bonked JoJo's head and the former suddenly rubbed her hand while the latter rubbed her head

""Geez I was only kidding"" JoJo pouted

""That actually hurt..."" Gia winced

""Well JoJo is hard anyway, you want me to use this fuck heavy of a chair as a prop? You want me to lift this?"" I said, gesturing to the chair

""That would be awesome if you lift the chair! And considering that your arms have grown big..."" JoJo started

""Utter one more word about my arms and I'll make sure to twist yourself in a bow"" I barked back and the demented bow haired JoJo just laughed

""Quite a good jab JoJo. Anyway, you won't be lifting the chair. Your solo is called 'stay at home and eat chips' because apparently, Melissa said that was the only thing you were doing most of the time ever since everyone got affected about the incident"" Gia said. I huffed at that. Mom could be a blabber mouth sometimes...I was secretly hating on the life I have right now, always being dull and most of us were irrelevant anymore save for my still famous sister. It was a better coping mechanism than the others did.

""Fine I get it. But, what do I do with the fucking chair?"" I asked

""Your solo is an acro piece. You'll do acrobatic moves around and in the chair. Sounds easy right?"" Gia said with a smirk

""So you want me to prowl around a chair? Dancing and laying down on a chair at the same time? Weird shit but cool!"" I said with a smile

""But isn't she going to be eating chips during the solo too?"" JoJo butted in

""Funny you should ask..."" Gia said as she threw a bag of chips to me. JoJo laughed hysterically while I rolled my eyes, clearly getting the message

""By the way, anyone seen Brynn? I didn't see her around ever since I got here"" I asked.

""I think she said she needed to run some errands for today. What that errand is, she didn't say"" JoJo said

""She did say that. I gave her permission since she already learned her dances"" Gia confirmed. It wasn't like Brynn to skip dance more than once. It felt weird, just like how weird it is to have Stephanie with us instead

Sarah's POV

I was loving my duet dance so much! For two reasons: It was great choreography and I get to do it with my bestie, Stephanie! Who knew that this tomboyish girl had it in her? I still see in her eyes that she's still struggling on why she was doing dance but I also see the desire, even if sometimes some malice in them.

Which was perfect for our duet, which was called 'yin and yang'. The concept was simple: a dance about two common but most ancient and maybe even most sacred conflict of all - light vs. darkness.

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