Chapter 13: Hidden Talents and Agendas

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Author's Note: I might have revealed some future characters......

Sarah's POV

I was still in awe on what we just witnessed. Steph was a very good dancer - no scratch that - an amazing dancer! The way she did pirouettes while in mid air, the way her body swayed, her body was just amazing to watch and her facial expressions. Her facials! It was like she displayed something in between anguish and serenity. I just couldn't describe it! I almost thought she was going to cry after the dance

"Steph....Anne Marie's right. You were so amazing!" I shouted and everyone around us started to clap, clearly impressed on the improv she had done. This kid is truly blessed

"Um..thanks I guess?" Steph mumbled, with her head slightly down and her cheeks going red. Maybe she isn't used to all of this attention

"That was a great display Steph! Have you've done dance before? I mean, you did mention gymnastics but how about actual dance?" I hear Gianna say

"Not really. To be honest, I haven't danced in my whole life until now" Steph said in her british accent

"Maybe you were a dancer in the past life?" Anne Marie muttered. Everyone was whispering, mainly about how good Steph was.

"Did I really did great in what I did?" Steph asked

"Definitely! You reminded me sister actually" Mackenzie said. She was right about the last part. Kenzie's sister, Maddie was one of the most graceful and talented I have ever met and when I say talented, I mean it and what Steph displayed was in Maddie's level. Maybe also in the levels of Chloe Lukasiak, Sophia Lucia, Autumn Miller, Tate Mcrae, whoever is the best their is! To think Steph, the tomboyish and foul mouthed Steph I met just weeks ago and is now my best friend is actually a great dancer!

"So you're really a girl after all!" Anne Marie chimed and that earned a glare from Steph. Seriously, sisters should love one another and not glare at one another

"Not sure what I was doing. I felt like....I needed to push out some things and when I heard the music, it was like it helped me do that" Steph said with a confused look in her face

"Such is the magic of dance. It brings out such emotion to you that you have to let it out in any form. You must have something huge to let out with that performance" Nia said as she approached from her class

"I agree with Nia Steph. You looked like you had a lot of things bottled up" I said with concern because usually, there are two reasons why a dancer was great in his or her performance, either it was happiness or sorrow

"Trust me, Steph had seen a lot of shit over the past couple of months" Anne marie said albeit cryptically as she gave Steph a sort of knowing look that Steph returned. What is going on with this girl?

Before I was able to speak to ask about it, I hear a giddy voice approach us. I knew it from anywhere and it belonged to a certain bow haired girl

"Oh my god Steph! That dance was beautiful! You were pretty good at ballet and I suck at that! You really made me cry juice of happiness right there!" JoJo moaned in a joyful manner, if there is such a description

"That was on point Steph! - no pun intended - you so lit in that dance! Someone got that on camera right?!" Kalani squealed

"Calm your horses i got it all on video! This is going straight to youtube" Kelly said, approaching us with her phone in hand and a sly grin on her face

"Oh if you dare post that on video I swear I will hunt you down!" Steph said with a sort of ominous tone but ever the confident Kelly is, she still has a smirk in her face

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