Chapter 39: Might As Well Jump Pt. 2

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Author’s note: I realize that I wanted to correlate the events of Forsaken with this crossover but fail to realize that I have some of the dates mixed up (Sorry my friend!) So, as an explanation for this, I only have one….

The Flash passed through and change the timelines! And off the the fic!

Dance Vigilantes
Chapter 39: Might As Well Jump Pt. 2

May 28th, 2016. Saturday, 11:50 AM

Auditorium Theater, Roosevelt University, Chicago

Aidan’s POV

“You seriously forgot to buy tickets for the show?!” Emma said as we sprinted all the way towards the Auditorium Theater.

“I thought it was a free to go show! Also, you’re the dancer! You should have warned me about it!” I reasoned with my irate cousin

“Oh please! You’re just a klutz sometimes. Then again, you only cared about dance when Brynn came in your life! Then again, anything for your crush” Emma raucously laughed. I turned towards her and scowled

“We’re just friends!” I reasoned. Where we?

“Sure. Friends. So how are we gonna get inside doofus?”

I thought for a few moments of possible entrances inside the theater. Due to my misguided knowledge about competitive dance, I found out that you need a ticket to watch a live dance competition so we resorted to sneaking inside the theater instead. Anything to see Brynn dance live

“I think I remember this as having a fire exit somewhere near here….let’s check out back!” I say to Emma

“How are you sure about that?” Emma said back

“Because I used to sneak in to pretend I have a big concert up stage” I say as we ran towards the back. Saying that Emma found what I said funny was a total understatement

Further down backstage
Saoirse’s POV

“The fuck are you kids doing here?!”

“We should be the ones asking you that!”

An obvious kidnapping was happening at this instance. The girl was obviously scared and tears were brimming in her mascara clad eyes. She was wearing a yellow jacket that had “Millennium” embroidered on her side

“She’s the missing girl they announced backstage isn’t she?!” I growled at them

“Yeah! And what about it?” One man sneered towards us

“What are you planning to do to her motherfuckers?” Lauren sneered besides me

“All you need to know is that she’s a huge cash haul and you won’t ever tell a soul…” Another one said as he drew a knife out

“You guys disgust me!” I say over to them

“Better let go of her or else…” Lauren added

“Or else what?” The man holding the girl’s mouth laughed. He didn’t have time to register what had happened as I rammed my foot on his face. He fell backwards, dragging the crying and panicked girl in the ground. Her legs were still bound by one of the fuckers but Lauren intercepted him and took him out with a swift kick and punch in the head. The girl them scrambled and stood up, panicked.

“Run back to your team and tell them what happened! Now!” I shout to the girl. She nodded furiously and she was out on her way.

“Don’t let the little bitch get away!” One man said but I grabbed on to his left arm and twisted it. He screamed in pain and I did a take down on him and did a kick to his chest, sucking out the breath out of him to knock him unconscious. Lauren was engaging the one with the knife. The man was admittedly fast in slashing her but Lauren was trained in Fusion and amateur tactics such as this is nothing to her! She was much more nimble and dodged the knife strikes with ease. She then disarmed the knife from the man and flip him over. I rushed in this time to knock him out cold by kicking his rib cage.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2017 ⏰

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