Sakura's reaction

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She felt a small year roll down her cheek.

'Why? Why was she so stupid,' Sakura's thoughts seemed to scream at her.

She brought her fist down the desk, with a large crack. Tears pouring faster and faster. 'Why?'

Suddenly, she felt two arms warp around her. "What's wrong Sakura?" she felt her loving husband Sasuke murmur into her bright pink hair.

"Sasuke, you know that woman that just came by?"


"Did she give you a letter?"


"Read it," she felt Sasuke stiffen up at her demanding something. Sakura didn't often demand something but when she did, people were advised to follow her orders.

"Yes love. I will," with that he left the room.

Sakura felt over whelming sadness

s hit her again? "Why?" She asked herself again.


>>> ok guys I need feed back like now I'm running out of ideals and I need some now please who do u think I should do next?<<<<

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