Naruto's reaction part 1

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Naruto sat in stunned silence with the rest of the people in the waiting room. Most were people who Hinata decided to write too. Some were their for other reasons.

The little, white waiting room was so packed people were actually having to stand. Many, like himself, were waiting anixouly for the news on hinata, but what they had gotten had shocked the whole place. Hinata had a day to live. 

One day was all the docter had given her. No one could save her. Not even the great Tsuanda or Sakura. She had made sure no one would be able to. 

Loud sobbing broke sent electric shock waves through Naruto. Something in him told him it was Hinata's little sister, Hanibi. Poor kid, she thought she lost her sister and now she has to watch her slowly die. 

Naruto grasped and ran up to the docter. "Is she awake? We need to know! Is she awake?" The docter slowly nodded his head in an agonizing yes. 

Naruto grinned from ear to ear. He loved her, he had always known that and the mystery girl that everyone was talking about was her. He just didn't want her to date him and him not be able to support her and himself. Not like she should be anyways. He had promised himself along time ago that he wouldn't put a ring on any girl unless he could treat them like a princess. 

Naruto pulled a little black box from his pants' pockets. Inside said box was a ring. The band itself was worth $25,000. The dimond was as big as his eye, and the little dimonds that wrapped aroung the bigger one, were the size of the head of a pin. 

Yes, Naruto had saved as much money as he could to buy the ring and today was the day he was going to propose. That is, until he got the letter. 

Now he was rushing down the halls to Hinata's room, determined to be the first person besides her family, to see her. He just wanted to tell her how wrong she really was about him. How she really was the only girl for him and just how wrong she really was. f

Naruto waited impatienly for the Hyuuga's to be done so that he could be next to talk to her. While he was waiting, he noticed alot of changes had been made in people. 

Shino didn't have his usaul glasses on and man were those eyes of his red. I mean if you look at them they probably normally would have been blue and green, but now they were blood shot and soaked in tears. 

Kiba seemed to be leaning heavly on Ino for support. And Ino wasn't pushing him away like she probably would have been if it had been anyone else. 

Kurenai looked like she had just gotten out of bed. She seemed dazed and confused. I wonder were her kid is.

Sakura looked a litte shaken, but that was to be expected as she had been one of the first docters on call when they discovered Hinata. Right now she had Sasuke hanging on her whispering something the rest of the people couldn't hear.

And then  there was the Hyuuga branch memebers. They took up half of the waiting room and every ghostly, white eye seemed tear stained, blood shot, and worried. 

Hinata was a really loved girl.


Hello my loyal followers lol this was a really long chapter with a lot of ideals over flowing for it sooo yeah i had to split it up..thanks...oh and stay tuned bc there will be a letter to readers and an epilogue as well!!!! ^ u ^

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