Shino's Reaction

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Shino cryed. He couldn't help it. She used the name. Love Bug. How could she? If she was going to kill herself, why didn't she tell me? We shared everything. I shared the most intimate moments of my life with her!

Shino cried harder. He had known that Hinata still loved Naruto and she had known that he loved another, but they had never mentioned it. Hinata had been the only one, ever, to see his eyes. The creepy messed up eyes. One brown. One blue. 

Hinata had been his first and only girlfriend. Hinata had been the one he truly loved. He just said he loved the other girl. The other girl, whose name he still didn't know. More tears poored from his cheeks. 

Hinata was the only girl he had ever been intimate with, both sexaully and mentally. How could he move on? He couldn't that was the answer. He loved her, but never told her. He knew all too well what she would say. How she would react. 

No, that was something he could never do. Although, now he never would be able to. Not ever. And the saddest part was, he wouldn't even be able to tell his best friend, kiba, because even kiba was in love with her. 

Yes, Hinata Hyuuga, was chased after by all men. She just didn't know it. Even Sasuke, who had been turned down because Hinata wouldn't do that to Sakura. 

Shino felt more tears flow slowly and hotly down his cheeks. He pounded his fist into the wall next to him as he dropped the paper onto his bed. Shino couldn't believe it. Wouldn't believe it. 

He heard a knock on the door. Going to open it he found Sakura standing in the rain. (Even the heavens were crying. Yet, those were happy tears. Tears, for an angel had returned to heaven.) 

"Go away."  Sakura shook her head and wrapped her hands around Shino. 

"Shush. It will be ok." Shino broke down and cried. He knew he couldn't handle this alone.


Sorry I know it was terrible but hey its longer!! again having bad problems at school. 

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