Kurenai sensei's letter

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>> well here it ! Kurenai's letter... I can feel my tears starting :,(.... Oh and sorry for the short chapters....it's near impossible to write long chapters on your phone<<

I still do not own naruto!


Dearest Kurenai sensei,

Sensei, I'm sorry but I'm dead. I couldn't take life anymore. All the venting I'm the world can't fix that. I'm sorry. I know this is going to break your heart but remember you have a son to take care of! And a beautiful one at that!

Sensei, you know I have always loved you like a mother. Even now as I write this I consider you my mother. The mother who saved me from killing myself sooner. And for that I am grateful.

Kurenai. I love you, Mom. Please forgive me. I know that it will be hard but promise me you will teach your child that he is perfect in every way!

Never tell Hiriki that he can't do something! That will hurt more than anyone can ever know.

Mom, promise me that you will look after Hanibi for me, because I won't be able to anymore.

Please, Kurenai, cherish the memories we shared. Please, just don't forget about me. Please don't ever look at the dark side. And swear to me you will visit me sometime. It might get cold out there so make sure to bundle up before you go. I know how you like to wear nothing but that wrap thing, but you have to remember that it's not just you anymore.

Please Kurenai. Be careful from now on. I love you and will miss you forever sensai.

Oh and thank you for helping me become stronger. I am really grateful. Thank you for the previous memories that I always cherished.

Like that time when I was about ten, and you were teaching me how to cook. Oh the mess we made that night! Who knew making grilled cheese sandwiches could be so messy! There was butter on the roof and bread in the sink! That made me laugh just thinking about it.

Or that time Kiba decided to scare us and you scolded him for like six hours. And then when you had him distracted, I came up behind him and yelled boo! He nearly died of fright! Oh good times. Good times!

Anyways I'm sorry again for killing myself but I couldn't take the pain anymore of watching Naruto fawn over Sakura! Please forgive me! And don't forget me..

I love/miss you,


____ ________________

>> whoa this one was long.. Never mind that wasn't sad at all! Oh hinata that's a secret side we didn't know know about!

Anyways next person is neji!<<

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