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Dear Brother

I'm sorry to tell you this, but I have killed myself in an attempt to be happy. And I think it might just work too. 

Brother please, I know what you are going to think, but I didn't do it because of you. I did it because I couldn't watch other people worry about me. I couldn't watch you worry about me and know that you were neglecting Tenten's love because of me. 

Please you have to watch Hanibi** for me! Watch her and train her. Don't let Father turn her into me. Do not let Father push her around like he did me. If she is sad lift her up. Do not let Father break her, because she is the next in line to become head of the clan and she needs her confidence. 

Brother I beg you to make sure the Hyuuga don't just sweep me under a rug. Make them remember me! Make them change. 

Neji  I love you. You were my favorite cousin and my best friend. You looked out for me when no one else did. I still remember the fire works festable. I was supposed to do the 100 sparing matches but father was out of town.  So you did instead of him. You helped me when my eyes were in bad shape. You. Not father. Not Naruto. Not anyone else. 

You cared for me when no one else would. And I know our childhood was ruff because you blamed the Main branch for the death of Uncle. But you overcame that.

Neji, brother, this is good bye. Please never forget me and take care of Hanibi. 

Don't forget me 


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