Naruto's letter....

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Dearest Naruto-kun,

Naruto, I have watched you grow for as long as I can remember. You made me stronger. Just thinking of you could make me smile on even the darkest hour. I loved you with all my heart. During Pain's attack I told you that I loved you. My confession wasn't fake like Sakura's. I really did love you. I had loved you for a long time.

I have loved you since the day you saved me from those bullies. I loved you like no other. I was always there, but now I won't be able to. You see I killed myself. No, it wasn't because I know  you wouldn't ever be able to love me. OK, that was a lie, but that wasn't the only reason. 

Naruto I've told you before, I would lay my life down anyday to save you and I have before. Twice. Once when we were attack by those people with the bees. And during the attack on the village so long ago. 

I would do it all over again if I had too, because I love you and just want you to be happy. That is all I have ever wanted.  So please don't be sad over my death. It was what was supposed to happen. I know you might not see the reason for this right now but later you will. 

Oh and by the way I heard about the mystery girl you were planning on purposing to...She must be extremely beautiful to have captured you eyes. I hope she's everything you want and more. 

Do you remember that time when you told me that I would make a good wife. I remember thinking "He thinks I will be a good wife. Don't faint Don't faint."  I actually had hope back then that we would be together. Oh well, I guess somethings just aren't meant to be, but I don't hold it against you. Like I said just be happy. 

You know I'm starting to feel a little light headed. My time's gonna be up here in a few minutes. Guess there is only one thing left to say to you.  

Good-bye Naruto

From the humble Hyuuga Ex-heiress

Hinata Hyuuga 

Hinata's suicideजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें