Hanabi's letter

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My Dear sweet sister,

Hanabi I know we weren't close until after the war, but I have always loved you and have never ever been jealous of you no matter how much Father made us fight.

Hanabi I know when you were young you thought of me as weak and pitiful. I know you hated me for being the first born and forceing you to a life of being a servant, but you must understand I didn't want you to be a servant. 

I know you don't know this but Father made you the heir. He made you the heir because you were much stronger than me. Much more confident. Much, much better. You  would always be better, and I never hated you for that. In fact I never had the drive to be better than you because I didn't want you to be banish to the servant's branch. 

Hanabi, I love you no matter how much you hate me. It is what I do, because I'm your sister. I will always be no matter how much you want me died. No matter how much you want me gone. I will always be your sister. 

Hanabi, in order to protect you from the Caged bird seal, I have killed myself. 

Sister you have to be strong ok. Your name means firework. Your personallity is a firecracker. Keep it that way ok? Just for me. That is the only thing I ask of you.

Oh and Hanabi being 17 doesn't give you the right to have sex in the hyuuga compound. Oh and tell konohamaru that he should be more quiet.

I love you 


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