Neji's Reaction

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Neji was so confused. He was mad at Hinata but yet he couldn't stay that way because he was to sad to do it.  It suddenly occured to him to go check to make sure this really had happened and wasn't some sick joke. 

Neji found himself flying out of his room in the servant's wing and running at a dead sprint to Hinata's room. He reached the door and nearly ripped it off of the hindges. 

There he found Hinata laying on the bed in a puddle of blood. The white linen soaked in all of that blood made Neji sick. Yet, he still couldn't believe.

He ran to her side and bent over her. He placed his ear on her chest and couldn't find a heartbeat so he used his blood line limit. (No clue how to spell dont judge) 

He found a faint chakra sign and nearly cried in relief. Neji picked her up bridal style and ran to the hospital. 


so sorry for the short chapter but I didn't know what else to do.

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