Kurenai's reaction

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>>this one will be in her prov. <<


I shut my eyes as tightly as they could go hoping that would make this all a dream. Please let this just be a bad nightmare. Please.

Please don't let my best student have commented suicide. Please let her be at home training. Please let this letter be just a sick joke.

I gripped the paper a littler tighter. 'I'm so glad my son isn't home right now to see me like this.'
( authors note: please remember hinata was like 25 when this happened. So Kurenai is like 46 so something to lazy todo the math but I know her son is 13)

I threw my head back and the sent it forward and into my awaiting hands. All while letting out loud sobs of pain. Please, come back Hinata! Please!

More sobs racked against my body. Please, I slightly begged in my head.

I sat at the desk in my room against the far wall, where I first opened up the letter.

Then out of no where I started laughing. This is all just a sick joke! That's all.

Any minute she's going to call me to see if I needed anything or to see if I wanted to go train!

That's it! Right? This was all a sick joke. Right?

Then it dawned on me. She really isn't coming back. She really isn't going walk through those doors. And she thought of me as her mother!

Hinata why did you do this to me. Losing her was like losing one of my own children. Her Kiba and Shino.

I slowly got up from my place at the desk and crawled into bed. Shows and everything. To just sleep.

Sleep will make everything better. Please let it make everything better. Please.

I whimpered and pulled the covers up to my chin. This is worse then when I lost Asuma. I just can't believe this.

I know tomorrow Shikamaru would come by tomorrow to check on me but for now sleep was my only friend.


So I had no clue how to do this one. I've never really felt this kinda pain but hey! I Tryed! I just really felt like writing this one today so early short chappy!! Yayy!

Hinata's suicideHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin