Chapter 15

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The team arrives in Sokovia, hours later.

"Holy shit," Steve said as he saw the wasteland of a country.

Pocahontas and Wanda helped people out of the city, evacuating them to safe places.

Mother Nature sighed, as she stood in the midst of this chaos. Her earth, her land, was being destroyed.

The very earth, the very land, was her heart. It was like people were stabbing her in the chest.

The raven haired princess, fell the ground, on her knees. She let out a scream of pain.


"REBECCA!" Steve yelled, and ran to her.

He put her on his lap, and started checking her pulse.

Her pulse was barely there.

Rebecca's eyes were closed, and her breathing was slow.


Wanda ran to where Steve was, and she sighed.

"What do I do?" She asked, in her thick accent.

"I don't know, put her somewhere safe."

The brunette, picked up Rebecca and took her somewhere safe; away from the battle.


As Earth's mightiest heroes, were fighting against Ultron and his bots; Rebecca woke up.

She quickly got up and ran to the battle.

Rebecca forced vines out of the ground and used them to rip off all the Ultronbot's heads.

"You okay now?" Pietro asked, running past her.

"Hurts like hell, but I'll make it." She replied quickly.

She closed her eyes, thinking about fire. Fire rose out of her, and she burned all the Ultron bots around her. This fight was definitely one to remember.


Ultron, like a coward, tried to escape the battle in which he was getting his ass kicked. He was in a small jet, flying away and shooting a machine gun everywhere. Hawkeye ran to save a kid, but Pietro dodged all the bullets for him. Pocahontas lifted tons of rocks from the ground just by thinking about it.

It was too late for Pocahontas to do anything. Pietro was dead.

"Oh my god." She yelled, running towards the young Sokovian.

"You didn't see that coming," were his last words.

She cradled him on her lap, trying to do anything to wake him up.

Meanwhile, on the other side, Wanda fell to the floor; screaming in agony. She knew her brother was dead.

A couple minutes later, the building was off the face of the earth and was destroyed by lighting summoned by Thor's hammer.

Pocahontas had gotten on the helicarrier provided by Nick Fury, and she sat down. Steve was on it as well.

"After this, I'm done." She told Steve.

"Either way, you're an Avenger now, Rebecca."

By the way, thank you for getting me to 10k and number 5 in the hashtag Pocahontas!

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