Chapter 38

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"Here we are. Xandar." Thor announced with a proud look as his gaze shifted to his surroundings, before settling on the Native Woman.

"Xandar is cute." She said looking around.

"Isn't it just?" Thor joked.

"Let's go find whoever is in charge." She replied, changing the subject. They weren't far from the capital, where they found Irani Rael; leader of the Nova Corps.

The Nova Corps leader was alerted of new arrivals, which were on their way to the Capital. She was also told that they claimed to be searching for the Power Stone, so she went up to meet them in person.

"Hi, nice to meet you Ms. Irani Rael. I'm Pocahontas from planet Earth. I assume you know why I'm here." She stated.

"Yes, I've been informed of your business on Xandar." Irani nodded.

"I just need total assurance that the Power Stone is in good hands."

"Well, then I can assure you that the Power Stone is most secure in the vault within this facility." Irani reassured, seeming to be confident in their abilities. "May I ask, why an Asgardian is with you? A prince, no less."

"Uhh, he's my.... boyfriend." It was the first thing she could come up with. She quickly linked arms with Thor, smiling at Irani.

The Nova leader looked like she didn't believe her, even Thor was looking a bit awkward. But he quickly cleared his throat and smiled, playing along. Irani looked away for a second and Pocahontas elbowed Thor.

"Just play along." She whispered, looking up at him.

Thor nodded and began playing the part as he walked next to her with Irani leading them.

"And why do you need to see the Power Stone?" Irani asked with curiosity.

"I'm the protector of Earth.
Mother Nature. The goddess of nature." Pocahontas replied, looking at the Nova leader. "I had a dream that someone used the stones to destroy all life on Earth... even the galaxy. I'm just here to ensure that.. It won't happen."

When they reached the vault, Irani opened it and there was the Orb, situated on a pedestal. Pocahontas stared at the stone, also fearing that it would be taken. Irani stood to the side, looking at the Orb before turning her gaze to the odd couple.

"I'll assure you once again, we will keep it out of the wrong hands." Irani affirmed.

Thor stepped in, "Let's hope it doesn't." He patted Pocahontas's hand.

"And if he attacks, just send a message or something." She informed.

"Who is 'he'?" Irani asked, confused.

"Someone I saw in my dream. He wants the Infinity Stones."

Irani sensed the gravity of her words and nodded, "Very well. But most of the people on Terra are not yet ready to know of our existence. So it would be safer if you kept this between ourselves." She advised.

"That's not a problem." Thor and Pocahontas said in unison.

"Then you are dismissed. I thank you for alerting me of this, it shall be heeded."

They both nodded, quickly being escorted out of the building.

Once they were back where they first started, Thor turned to Pocahontas, "Next stop, Knowhere."


The light vanished as both Thor and Pocahontas landed, looking at their new surroundings. Once they landed in Knowhere, the first thing the two did was look for the Collector.

"So what's this Collector supposed to be?" Pocahontas asked as they make their way through the streets.

"Well, it's in his name, Lady Pocahontas. He collects things. They happen to be important and valuable as well." He replied.

"Like rare things?"

"Yes, rare things."

"I'm kinda rare. It's not everyday someone meets the Goddess of Nature." Pocahontas trailed as several kids ran, laughing.

One girl walked up to her and Pocahontas smiled, knelt down and took a handful of dirt, holding it up for the girl to watch and a small plant grew in the patch of dirt.

The girl watched with interest as the small life grew, and the small stem turned into a bud, which bloomed into a beautiful rose. Pocahontas picked the flower from the patch, making sure that it would stay alive and held the rose out to the girl, who carefully took it and glanced at the Native woman.

Thor watched in awe, smiling at both Pocahontas and the little girl.

Pocahontas stood upright again, leaving the girl to marvel at the flower in her hands. The Goddess caught up with Thor, who was smiling at her. "You're good with children." He commented.

"I guess. I mean I just act like myself, and show them the importance of the world around them. I show them how beautiful nature really is." She replied, and they finally arrived to where the Collector was.

The Collector was alerted of new arrivals that have come to see him, and he had someone to bring them in, as he was a bit busy at the moment.

"Hi, uh, my name is Pocahontas. I am the protector of planet earth. And I have been told that you hold the Ether or Reality Stone here." She said, eyeing at the strange looking man.

"That is correct." The Collector affirmed, only sparing them a small glance as he continued to tinker with an object in front of him that sat on a table.

"May I see it?" She asked.

The Collector looked up and finally took notice of a familiar Norse God and a beautiful Native woman. He considered them for a moment, "Of course." He left the object that he was messing with and led them to the Aether. Or Reality Stone as he knew it to be called.

"Will you sell it?" Pocahontas asked, looking at the way the Ether moved.

"For what purpose?" The Collector voiced, vague curiosity and confusion shown in his face.

"I just want to make sure you won't give it to anyone."

"My dear, I wouldn't sell it even to the highest bidder." The silver haired man replied.

"Good. Can I guarantee that you won't do anything idiotic with it?"

"Be rest assured, I know of it's capabilities and what it will do if I actually let it out, I don't intent to be a host."

"Good." Pocahontas replied, not fully trusting the Collector though.

"Will that be all, Miss?" The Collector asked.

"It's weird here. Let's go." Thor whispered and Pocahontas nodded.

After exchanging a few words with the Collector, the duo left him and headed to the exit.

"What do we do now?" The raven haired woman asked.

"The Soul Stone is the last to search for. But that would prove to be difficult." Thor replied, frowning at the end.

"I've heard that no one has ever seen it before."

"That is certain. And I hope it'll never be found." Thor stated, his expression was grim.

"I agree."

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2019 ⏰

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