Chapter 33

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POCAHONTAS DIDN'T want to go. She couldn't just leave his body there.

"Doll, we can't stay here." Bucky coaxed.

"But we can't just leave him here." She replied, standing up to face her boyfriend.

"But we can't just leave him here." She replied, standing up to face her boyfriend.

"We'll take his body somewhere. Maybe at a hospital or something." He suggested.

"No." She denied.

"Then where do you wanna take him?"

"We have to bury him."

Bucky nodded and picked up the body. "Let's go."

The body was wrapped up once they found something to use as a substitute for a body bag, and left the town square. Pocahontas, Cynthia and Bucky decided to bury him in the woods. As Cynthia and Bucky dug some dirt for a grave, Pocahontas bloomed many flowers. She placed flowers and jewels over Theo, doing so as was done with her tribe many centuries ago. She had her face painted with black paint and incense was burning.

Bucky and Cynthia watched in wonder and respectful silence from the side as Pocahontas did this. The Native American was chanting and singing in her language as well. Bucky felt himself slowly lose his grip on reality, solely focused on her and her singing. It's been a while since he last heard her singing voice and couldn't help but fall in love with it.

"It's time to bury him." She finally said, wiping her tears away.

Bucky and Cynthia began the process of burying the body, his heart clenched at the sight of his girl so sad. He hated seeing her cry.

"It's not fair. It's not fair. Not to him." Pocahontas kept telling herself.

Bucky felt torn as he kept piling the dirt, wanting to hold his girlfriend in his arms and comfort her. Once they were done, Pocahontas placed more flowers and adorned his gravesite. Bucky stood next to Pocahontas on her right, Cynthia on the other as they stared at Theo's grave in sorrow. Pocahontas preceded to walk away, the sorrow being too much for her to handle. She felt as if it was all her fault.

"Cynthia, we'll meet you later. I'll stay with Pocahontas." Bucky told her and followed after the heartbroken Native woman. Cynthia didn't say anything, merely nodding in agreement.

"Doll, where are you going?" Bucky asked his girl.

"Anywhere but here." She replied, wiping tears and paint off her face.

"Doll, I know you feel like this is your fault, but it's not." He finally caught up with her.

"It is."

"No it's not, if anyone is to blame it should be me, I was supposed to keep an eye on Roberto. But I didn't and that's on me."

"No it's not. If I wasn't fighting him so much I would've have a chance to save him. I just let him die."

"Cynthia could only protect him from one side, and I didn't think to protect him from the other where Roberto was able to get an opening." He argued.

"No, stop trying to make it right. Someone is dead because of me!" Pocahontas yelled, stopping in her tracks.

Bucky stopped as well, "Welcome to my world."

"Are you kidding me?" She asked, rubbing her temples. "You're making this about you now?"

"Look. I'm just saying I know what it's like. To live with this guilt knowing people have died because of you." He reasoned, walking up to her as he towered over her petite form.

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