Chapter 35

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Pocahontas was lying on her bed, taking a nap from the exhaustion that seeped into her bones. On top of that, she had been feeling massive anxiety for a couple days. She couldn't pinpoint why she had it or where it came from. Slowly, but surely, she slipped into a world of sleep and everything faded away.

Then six lights of different colors appeared in the darkness. Six stones came into view, and formed a lineup. Pocahontas turned around, to see a 7 foot purple figure wearing gold armor and a gauntlet. The stones were in the gauntlet, and the figure had an evil smirk on his face.

Behind the purple giant armored mass of a being, Pocahontas saw his vast armies and a group of four individuals at his side.

One of them was about the same size as the leader, the other three were small and slim. One of them only had no weapons of any kind and no nose on his face.

Pocahontas gasped, fear taking over. She then saw them completely destroy everything around them. The purple figure used the gauntlet and the stones to disintegrate people. She watched horror, as she felt the earth give a shuddering cry.

The Native American woke up, covering her mouth since she felt like screaming. Pocahontas had never, in all her years of living on Earth, ever seen such horrific event as big as this. And those Stones.

Some looked familiar to her, and she remembered Thor talking about the Infinity Stones during the Ultron incident.

'I need to find them. And quick.' She thought, and paranoia was now going to get the best of her.

Bucky sat at his desk, writing down his latest flashback in his journal after having that dream.

Sighing after he finished, his mind wandered back to his girlfriend, who had been distant lately, like something's been plaguing her mind.

He had planned to confront her about it today.

Meanwhile next door, in Pocahontas' home, she made notes and wrote down everything that had occurred in her dream a couple days back. With a sigh, Bucky got up from his chair and went to her apartment. He shut the door to his apartment and opened Pocahontas's door to her apartment, without knocking.

Pocahontas was in the her room, frantically writing down everything she saw in her nightmare. She pinned all the papers to a board in front of her. Bucky went to call out her name to get her attention, but something told him to stay quiet as he searched for her.

Pocahontas completely ignored Bucky, since she was fixated on what she was doing. Bucky finally found her, but what made him pause was the sketches on pieces of paper pinned to the wall. It didn't quite seem to be finished yet, so the image she was making was still in progress. He stayed back and watched her draw many sketches.

The Native continued to do what she was doing, not noticing Bucky at all.

Soon, after about 30 minutes, the picture was complete and Bucky didn't speak the whole time until at that moment, "Rebecca."

"Oh, hey. You've been here?" She said, sounding like a question. She scratched her head and tried to keep her composure.

"Long enough to see you finish drawing it."

"That's... awkward."

He nodded and took a step closer, gesturing to the images as he asked, "What's this, doll?"

"Nothing." She lied.

Bucky raised an eyebrow, not believing her. "Please, be honest with me." He said gently.

"Look, it's nothing you should concern yourself with." She told him, attempting to change the subject.

"You have a habit of trying to avoid a subject that's clearly troubling you." He retorted with a knowing smirk.

"Again, it's really nothing." She told him, walking away from her desk.

"Tell that to the artistically drawn image, you seemed to be obsessed with."

"I'm not, James."

Bucky raised an eyebrow, "Then can you explain why you drew all this?" He gestured with his flesh hand, "And please, don't say it's nothing."

"Fine. I had a nightmare and I had to write everything down." She said, leaving the room and Bucky followed.

"And that's what you saw?" He asked, frowning.

"I saw that and more. I saw... the destruction of this earth. Right before my eyes." She explained, leaning against the kitchen counter. Her voice trembled at the last part.

Bucky walked up to her and wrapped his arms around her, "Is this the reason why you've been so distant these past few days?" He asked softly.

"Yeah." She hugged him back.

"When do you think this takes place?" He asked curiously.

"Soon. The earth is telling me that I need to take action. Which is why I have to go." She pulled back from the hug.

It took Bucky a moment to let that sink in, "Wait, you're leaving?" He asked.

"I mean, I have to. I have to find these infinity stones I saw in my dream. Whoever the person in my dream was, wants them. He can't get to them first."

"How will you find them?"

"I know someone who has one of the stones. The rest I'll figure it out. But I need to go." She replied, but Bucky stopped her.

"Please don't go." He pleaded, looking like a hurt puppy.

"James, it's my job to keep this earth alive. I can't neglect my purpose." She commented, holding his face in her hands.

He pursed his lips, "How long will you be gone?"

"I, Uh, don't know."

Bucky made a pointed look, "If you don't know when, then how am I supposed to cope while you're not here?"

"You'll be fine without me."

Bucky didn't want Pocahontas to leave. He didn't know when she would be back so, he wondered how and what he was going do while she was gone.

But then, if she did stay and these things that she saw in her nightmare would happen soon like she said, then who was he to hold her back? After all, she is Mother Nature, who was and is supposed to take care of the world.

With a sigh of defeat, Bucky nodded sadly, "Alright."

"I love you, okay." She said, looking into his blue eyes. Bucky didn't know how to respond, since it was the first time she said she loved him.

He leaned in and kissed her for a long moment, wanting to commit this to memory as his heart swelled; before pulling away to come up for air.

They were both slightly out of breath as their foreheads touched, "Come back to me." He said in a gruff voice.

"I will. I promise, Bucky." She told him, kissing his cheek.

Bucky managed a small smile, hoping it was enough.

"I'm sorry." She began tearing up. "I wish I could stay."

Pocahontas|Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now