Chapter 30

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HOURS HAD passed, and complete silence filled the room. The princess was not awake yet. Bucky sat next to her in a chair, holding her hand as he stroked the back of her hand gently with his thumb. He was silently praying that she would make it. He wouldn't admit it out loud, but he was scared he was gonna lose the most important person in his life. Other than Steve, of course.

It had only been a few hours and the outside was ugly. Without her breathing and walking, nature slowly winded down. Those that were still awake had taken notice of this. Theo was confused, being a little left in the dark. He assumed it was connected to the unconscious woman, but didn't voice this. Instead, he checked on her vitals periodically, making sure they were stable, even though her breathing was a bit shallow. They had stopped the bleeding and found the major injuries, if she had been brought here another ten minutes later she would've died, but they managed to save her.

Bucky could only look at his girl, hoping she would wake up soon. Cynthia was also very worried. She considered Pocahontas a friend, and a mom figure almost. Bucky looked at the wound and scowled, it was going to leave a scar and forever be a reminder that he failed to protect his girl. He made a promise to himself and to Pocahontas that he would kill Roberto, just to keep her safe. He didn't care if she could handle herself.

The sound of the monitor and many sighs filled the room.

"Who is she? If I may ask?" Theo asked Bucky.

The said super soldier was hesitant on telling him, he was unsure if sharing information with some stranger was even safe. Bucky looked to Cynthia, who gave a reassuring nod, then looked at Theo and said, "Her name is Pocahontas."

"Like the Disney movie princess?" He asked with a smile.

Bucky rolled his eyes, "Yes, like the Disney movie princess." But smiled fondly at the Native girl.

"But like not all the way. She's completely different." Cynthia continued.

"The movie is just a glossed over version of her life." Bucky agreed, nodding to what Cynthia said.

"So who is she then? Other than a Native American princess?" He asked once more, curious about the woman he was helping.

"You'll have to wait for her to wake up and ask her that if you want answers, and depending if she is willing to share her life history with another stranger." Cynthia told him, giving shrug as if to say 'Sorry, can't help ya there.'

He nodded quickly and stood up to check her vitals.
"I have no idea why she hasn't waken up. Her skin and muscle is different than the average person." He said.

"It's because she's special." Bucky said.

"Very much so." Cynthia and Theo said in unison.

Bucky continued to watch Pocahontas. If it wasn't for the paleness in her face from the blood loss and the obvious wound in her torso, she would've seemed like she was sleeping peacefully. Even then, he didn't care, he still thinks she's beautiful.

Pocahontas' blue eyes shot wide open, and she sat up quickly; big pants leaving her mouth. This surprised the three people immensely.

"I thought I was dead. Damnit." Pocahontas said.

Bucky was the first to react and stood next to her, happy to see she is doing okay now, but also a bit pissed at her. "Thank God, you're awake. Do you know how worried I was for you?" He said, sounding like a parent scolding their child.

Pocahontas|Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now