Chapter 21

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BUCKY HAD taken Pocahontas back to his apartment, since hers is wrecked from earlier, and laid her gently on the mattress before grabbing a med kit to patch her up

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BUCKY HAD taken Pocahontas back to his apartment, since hers is wrecked from earlier, and laid her gently on the mattress before grabbing a med kit to patch her up. He obviously couldn't take her to a hospital for two reasons. The first reason being that he'd have no explanation to give as to why she was in this condition. Second, if they found about who and what she was; she'd become a science experiment. He was going to do everything in his power to keep her from turning into a lab rat, something that he is all too familiar with.

"Please wake up." Bucky said to himself, while taking a cloth dipped in alcohol; wiping blood from her body.

She had been there for him when he would wake up from a nightmare that turned out to be a memory from his time in HYDRA, then write it down in his journal to describe what he saw before the memory could leave. He noticed these growing feelings towards her whenever she was around or thought of, he couldn't call it love, but he knew he felt something. He hoped that she felt the same for him, because it did bother him that she denied him being her boyfriend. When he managed to get all the blood cleaned, he began to patch her up. Being careful not to hurt her anymore than she already is.

After waiting by his bed for a couple hours, she woke up.

"How are you feeling?" Bucky asked when he saw her open her eyes.

"Like shit. I can't even feel my face. I know I look terrible." She said.

"Even with all the bruises, you still look beautiful to me."

"Thanks." She said, covering her face with the sheets.

"Do want anything? I can get it for you."

"I want to not feel this ridiculous pain." She replied, knowing Bucky could do nothing about it.

He wanted to try and take her mind off the pain, but he had no idea how. Then an idea came to him. He got up from his spot and went to the fridge to pick up his journal that sat on top, then came back and sat down. He skimmed through the pages until he found the right one.

Pocahontas left his room and limped to the kitchen.

"What are you doing? You shouldn't be up!" Bucky said, worriedly.

He set down his journal and went up to her, about to take her back to bed.

"I don't like being in bed. I hate feeling weak." She whined.

Bucky sighed frustratingly, but gently took her to sit on a couch. "You're going to be the death of me, I swear." He joked half heartedly.

"Yeah sure. I'm the reason the earth is still fruitful and living." She said.

Bucky chuckled and then asked, "Why can't you heal yourself? If you don't mind me asking."

"I'm not allowed to heal myself. Only others. I have no idea why. I still wonder why I can't do it."
"It's be inhuman if I didn't feel pain. It's apart of us." She continued. "I can drop the gravity and oxygen in the earth if I wanted to, but it is my duty to keep this earth alive until my last breath."

Bucky nodded understandingly and changed the subject, "I was going to get something to take your mind off the pain." He got up from the couch and went to the counter to pick up where he left his journal.

Pocahontas couldn't see what it was until he sat beside her with something in his hands, and realized what it was. She frowned while looking at the floor, hating that she could not heal herself.

"I wanted to read some of this to you. And I think you might enjoy it." He said as he opened the book to a certain page.

"Okay. Go ahead, knock yourself out." She hated being this salty.

Bucky reads out loud to her, where he saw a kid named Steve, who looked different to how he is today, and how they knew each other in the 1940s as best friends. He would call the little guy 'punk' and get called 'jerk' in response, in a friendly way of course. Pocahontas sat there, quietly listening to what he had to say. She could tell Steve, who she knew, was very important to him. Bucky read a section about how he would get into fights in back alleys and bullied just for being small, but he was no trouble maker. He was, and still is, a man with a heart of gold. Even though he had very few memories of him. Pocahontas continued to listen as he talked about Steve with joy.

He then gets to the section where he was on the moving train with Steve and he was holding onto a part of the wall that was blown out, he fell from the moving train before Steve could get to him. Bucky stops reading, knowing that if he continued further, the bad ones would just follow.

"I'm sorry you had to lose your friend like that. It sucks. If I could've done something, I would have done it without hesitation."

Bucky shook his head, "It's not your fault. Just like you said before, we can't change what happened." He got up and set the journal on the counter.

"I'm going to get something from my house. Be right back." She said getting up. Pocahontas went to her destroyed home, getting a blank canvas and paints. Her brushes too. Once she came back, she stepped out on the balcony.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

"I don't like how the stars look." She said, painting and as she did so, the sky completely changed.

Bucky watched in amazement as he stepped up to the balcony, "Wow." He breathed.

"Too much pollution." She said. "I want everyone to see the beauty of the stars."

"I'm sure they're looking now." He glanced at her and then back to the sky.

"But it has to be perfect." She said, painting a constellation onto the canvas. It was reflected on the sky.

Bucky is in awe and wonder.

"Is there anything you would like me to add?" She asked, turning around and saw his jaw drop. She chuckled and smiled at him.

"Uhh- I- I don't know." He stuttered.

"You sure?"

Bucky pursed his lips, thinking. Then he steps forward and whispers something in her ear.

"Okay." She replied, painting an aurora borealis on the canvas and it was seen on the sky. The sound of wolves howling and running in the woods was heard.

Bucky smiled, a blush dusting over his cheeks. "Thank you."

The colors of blue, green and even some purple was seen in the sky. It was truly a sight to marvel at. That was definitely Pocahontas's favorite part about being Mother Nature. Bucky looked at her and, even though she was still bruised, couldn't help but admire her. He loved the way it brought a joyful smile to her face.

"Okay. I'm done for now." She said, getting up.

He followed her inside, "That was amazing."

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