5: Childish

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Nagisa pov:

What's this feeling... like something bad is going to happen. A few knocks came by the door. I opened it.

" Hiyuri!!!" I shouted. She collapses and I had her in my arms . She was not injured. More like... poisoned.

She mumbled " no... ambulance... will... fine..."
She woke up a little hazy and she drink the water I placed by her table " Nagisa. Arigato. This might bring you trouble."

Nagisa: it's ok. Daijobu?

Hiyuri: um. I've taken too many poisons for this to be a thing. Just need a little rest. I'll leave.

Nagisa: it's ok to stay.

Hiyuri: don't be crazy. I'll bring trouble.

Nagisa: I want you to stay.

Hiyuri was shocked for words hoping she didn't misunderstand my words " .... no. I'll leave." She smiled " it's better."

I grabbed onto her wrist " please stay. I'm worried. " She shrugged my grip" don't. I'll sink deeper into this... hanging out with you has already made me so... "

She opens the door... she can't just leave like that... what if she faints?!! What can I say?

" Suki!! Hiyuri suki!!!"

She stopped in her steps " don't lie... it's not funny. I can take care of myself. No thanks."

Why is she so stubborn?!!! I walked towards her and grabbed her shoulder turning her around kissing her lips. I sometimes forget Hiyuri is shorter than me... her cheeks flushed red... and we separate.

Hiyuri: you scared me!!! I almost stabbed you with a knife when I was going to face you.

Nagisa: oops. Stay ok.

Hiyuri: you... weren't... lying...?

Nagisa: no. I don't lie about these kind of things.

She hugged me " yayy!!! You can't chase me away anymore. Unless... I want to. Hehe."

Nagisa: that's unfair to me.

Hiyuri: I don't care~~

Childish. But an assassin. So like you koro sensei.

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