16: Taken Away

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Karasuma: Nagisa.

Nagisa: Karasuma-san... what is it?

Karasuma: do you know what's happening to Hiyuri?

Nagisa: what's happened to her?

Karasuma: she hasn't come back to the building for five days. She always gives answers on where's she going if she's not staying. This time... nothing. I only received a call.

Nagisa:  a call?

Karasuma nods " from Rias Yulevec. She said that Hiyuri is breaking the contract. All compensation paid. Don't come finding her again."

Nagisa: no. I don't.

Karasuma: I see. Arigato.

Nagisa : karma...

Karma : hm? Nagisa. What's wrong?

Nagisa clenched his fist tight " you... have many connections... right?"

Karma: um.

Nagisa: even from... the dark side?

Karma smiles deviously " that's a weird question you're asking Nagisa. Why? Just because your Hiyuri, our kawaii sensei is missing a few days doesn't mean she'll be gone forever."

" No. " Nagisa's face turns black " she... probably can't... anymore."

Karma was a little stunned " Nagisa. What are you talking about?"

Nagisa: Rias took her!!! Help me find Hiyuri!!! * Grabs Karma's shoulders* please!!!

Karma : ah. Ok.

Nagisa: itona.

Itona: Horibe is fine too though.

Nagisa: oh. Horibe. Can you help me to hack into the keypad for weapons?

Itona: it's not that difficult though. Why?

Nagisa: I need those weapons...

Nagisa: are you sure? Horibe. Kaede.

Kayano: um. It's fine. I want to save Hiyuri too.

Itona: wouldn't be a bad time to test out those skills.

Nagisa: I see. That ... shi. Seeing your opponent's death. Killing them. Knowing they will really die. That feeling... you can't turn back. Sure?

Itona: If it really comes to that.

Kayano: don't worry. We can make decisions for ourselves.

" Nuruhuhuhu."

I_I . . . . . . . .

Nagisa: your connection to the dark side...

Kaede: koro sensei?

Karma: you didn't say who it had to be.

Itona: he's close to us and won't harm us. It is a good decision.

Koro sensei: exactly. And you Nagisa, why didn't you come look for me.

Nagisa: I didn't want it to involve you. Hiyuri... is your daughter... it's kind of my fault she's gone. I have that kind of feeling.

Koro sensei: you can say that.

The bell rings. The butler leads the young man to the Mistress of the house.

Rias: oh. Nagisa Shiota.

Nagisa: Rias.

Rias: I said not to come find her. Are you dumb? Or don't understand Japanese?

Nagisa: I've come to find Hiyuri.

Rias: who helped you to find here?

Nagisa: someone you don't know.

Rias: who?

Nagisa: Koro sensei.

Rias: koro sensei...? Ah. That thing she revived. The shinigami. Where's he?

Nagisa: that's not your business.

Rias : oh ho.

Nagisa: what did you do with Hiyuri ?

Rias: coming alone like that, didn't the shinigami tell you I'm an assassin. Killing you isn't that hard.

Nagisa : Hiyuri. Where's she?

Rias : let her out. Hiyuri. You have a visitor.

Nagisa pov:

Hiyuri walked out with chains to her hand and legs attacked to her body with straps. She had... those blank eyes I never saw before. Those blank eyes koro sensei talked about.

I called out for her name " Hiyuri!!!"

She just cocked her head to one side " Nagisa? Why are you here? Client? Who do you need me to kill?"

Rias: this is the Hiyuri I use to kill for my clients.

Nagisa: why did you chain her up?!! What did you do to her?!!

Rias: you misunderstand.

Hiyuri: I requested these to be put on me. You see, I'm dangerous. Those who are beside me tend to die.

She turned her head slowly to Rias " Rias seems not to die yet. "

Nagisa: Hiyuri!!! What happened?!!

Rias: that Hiyuri you know, she may be the real Hiyuri. The Hiyuri who has emotions and wishes. But that Hiyuri doesn't exist here. This one is just a tool.

Nagisa: what did you do?!!

Rias: well... I just want you guys to taste what it is to kill someone. You see... Hiyuri will kill anyone I ask her to. Unwanted to be abandoned , me who picked her up first , she'll do as I say. As long as I tell her... I need you to be a tool. Don't worry, it's not scary.

I got really angry at what she said. How could she do this to Hiyuri? So that's why Hiyuri became like that. It's all her fault. My fist clenched tight.

Rias: I wonder if your friends has that taste of shi yet.

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