After the battle

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Hakuryuu left with Judar choosing his side. The rest of them were all relived of their victory. Hakuren was eager to talk to Aladdin but also ready to attack Sinbad. Alibaba asked Morgiana how was her homeland. All of Morgiana memories of her homeland came rushing back. Her family was dead she had learned but she had a younger brother, who was captured as a slave and killed. Alibaba after hearing this saw Morgiana cry and hugged her, she started sobbing. Aladdin hugged her too after hearing what happened everyone gave a moment of silence for her. Yunnan looked at Alibaba with jealously knowing that Morgiana had a minor crush on but claimed that she didn't anymore. Morgiana after composing herself started to continue her story she learned that she was supposed to marry a man named Zero. She met Zero who was handsome she claimed and told him that she wasn't going to marry him. Zero told her that they were childhood friends and he loved her. Yunnan never heard this and again jealously flared in his chest, Morgiana then said," I felt bad for him so I told him that we could at least be friends." Morgiana looked at Yunnan and bowed to him and said," Thanks to you I got to figure this out I will always be grateful to you." Yunnan blushed and said," Um... It was nothing really I'm just glad you got to learn this but... there is something else they forgot to mention." Morgiana looked at Yunnan with confusion," What do you mean?" Yunnan took a deep breath," You have a older brother Masrur."

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