Feelings Accepted

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Yunnan's  POV
I walked back to my room feeling extremely relived knowing that kiss meant nothing to Morgiana and while I do kinda hate Alibaba at the moment I can't help but feel sad for him. Not only does the girl he likes doesn't feel the same way but at some point she did, now she has moved on which means that I now have a chance. I really do feel for the guy but knowing that Morgiana doesn't like anyone at the moment makes me elated and I just feel like I'm flying. Entering my room I started to get tired after all that happened including almost becoming like Judar, a fallen magi. The very thought made me shudder but Morgiana made sure that didn't happen, that moment only made me fall even more for her. I laid on my bed with a million thoughts just racing in my head and then closed my eyes excited what was to come in the next chapter in my life.
Morgiana's POV
I awoke in my bed, alone. Remembering all that happened I quickly burst out of my room and ran for Yunnan's room. Knocking frantically, he opened the door with wide and alert eyes, "What's wrong Morgiana? Is everything alright?" Shaking my head I replied, "No, are you okay? After last night I just wanted to make sure you were alright. If you could also tell me what made you get that way?"Looking at him with curious eyes I observed how his face slightly reddened at my last question. "Ah well... You don't have to worry about me I'm perfectly fine and everything's alright. As f0r why I almost fell into depravity well... To put it simple it was just pure hate and jealousy towards a person who could have taken something extremely precious to me but now I'm kinda of over it, no need to worry. The hates gone and I'm still working on the jealousy part but no need to worry that pretty little head of yours", he said while gently petting my hair. I blushed slightly but not enough that he would noticed, then even with knowing that I shouldn't ask I questioned him, "Who are you mad at? And what did they try to steal from you?" His face showed many emotions that I couldn't really read because there were so many but the only one I could really identify was fear. But what could someone as wise and strong be afraid of? Before I could question him even further we got interrupted a Sindrian soldier sowing up to us and asking us to head over to the throne room immediately. We looked at each other and he gave me a look that said we'll talk about this later. I gave him a quick nod and we headed towards the throne room with urgency in our steps. We burst threw the doors and everyone was gathered and had solemn looks on their faces. "What's wrong", asked Yunnan with a calm look in his face but his eyes showed that he was worried. Jafar took a step forward and began, "I have just recently found out that I have a sister who is about two or three years older than me, she was kidnapped as a young baby and I guess my parents just didn't want to have to remember her anymore so they completely erased her from their lives(not cannon in the anime or in the manga, this is my OC). Al Tharmen has just sent us a message saying that they are pleased to announce that in our next battle we will face against one of their favorite little toys meaning my sister." Jafar had such a saddened look on his face that it nearly broke my heart in two. While I wasn't that close with Jafar I know that wouldn't be able to handle being in that position. Not only is he having to fight to save the world but he has to defeat his own sister to be able to save our world. Then Aladdin went up to Jafar and gave him and encouraging smile, "Don't you worry, Jafar! Al Tharmen still has to recover from the Medium being defeated so that will take awhile which gives us time for a rescue mission! We'll take her from their clutches and have her brought back to her brother safe." Everyone smiled at the young magi' swords but our bubbles were burst when Yunnan said, "We also have to take something into consideration. The way the letter was written, it sounds like your sister is going to willingly fight you so we might have to consider that she has fallen into depravity." Any hope that Jafar had immediately was burnt out into ashes and Yunnan gave an apologetic look and apologized for being so insensitive. But Jafar shook his head and forgave him then Aladdin stepped up again with even more determination shining in his bright eyes, "I'll just use Solomon's Wisdom on her! You guys can't give up just yet! First, we have to figure out where she is being held then do some butt kicking and rescuing! Let's stop mourning for a life that isn't lost yet and save her from becoming lost." Everyone was encouraged with his words and immediately got to planning. They mentioned asking Kouen for help in finding out where to find her and tactical plans that include the element of surprise. It was almost dawn we decided to call it quits for the day and I looked around for Yunnan only to see he was missing form the throne room. I asked around and finally Yam gave me a note and walked off giggling. I read the note, Dearest Morgiana, I left a bit earlier to set up... something... Uh I was hoping you could join me in the royal gardens, I need to get something off my chest and I'm absolutely terrified on how you might react. But I want to be able to move forward knowing that I have said what I need to tell you. So as soon as you get this note come over. Yours, Yunnan. I blushed slightly at the note. Could this be him planning to confess?? To me?! I shook my head trying not to get my hopes up and headed for the royal gardens. When I was near I noticed that the Royal garden's flowers were glowing brightly and everything seemed so ethereal and just plain majestic. I went to the very center of the Royal gardens to see Yunnan standing there, fidgeting around nervously. I coughed lightly to make my presence known and he quickly spun around to greet me. He cleared his throat, "So I know that your curious to know why I almost fell into depravity last night...", he took a deep breath, "The truth is I was angry and jealous when I found out that you and Alibaba kissed", looking at me with intense eyes he continued, "I'm in love with you. Utterly and hopelessly in love with you, honestly it's almost unreal how much I've fallen for you. Just the thought of losing you drives me crazy and I thought that you were going to get with Alibaba and that just crushed me", he looked at me with an emotion that I never could identify but know I knew that it was love, "To be honest I can't stand the idea of you being with any other man other than me and I get how selfish that it but it's the truth and I want you to know that. I get that can never feel the same and...", he was silenced as I got enough courage to march up to him and grab the top of his shirt to pull him down to a kiss. His eyes widened and his shoulders tensed. After a second he wrapped his arms around me and we both just melted into the kiss. The seconds past and we finally pulled apart blushing furiously. "Does that erase the thought of me ever being with another man", I questioned. He gave me a boyish grin, "It does, it honestly does." So we sat down on some grass and stared up at the stars, Yunnan's arm wrapped around my should without a care in the world of what was to come.

Magi Fanfiction: Yunnan and MorgianaNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ