It Looks Bigger

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   Imagine the house like this but in a dark place and not that realistic.

                 Morgiana' s Pov

        One word to describe Yunnan's improved house, huge!!! I guess that he made arrangements when he learned that we would be staying with him. " I can't believe this! It's not a castle, but it's huge!! You Magi's are awesome!!", Morgiana exclaimed. Yunnan blushed," We aren't that great we owe our power to the Ruhk they are our power." Masrur went to enter the house and Yunnan and I followed closely behind him. I gasped when I saw the inside, it was beautiful on the outside but the inside was breathtaking. I looked over at Yunnan and saw he was taking in his work. " Yunnan this is... breathtaking. It feels like a home to me", I said. Yunnan smiled at me and said," Morgiana, Masrur you are free to have any of the rooms. There are 5 rooms, but only one had a view of the other side, where the fanalis are. " I call dibs!!", I yelled and ran upstairs to claim my room. I heard laughter coming from Masrur and Yunnan, I smiled. I can definitely can used to this. When I entered my room, I gasped it was beautiful!! The bed was huge and there was a desk, a bookshelf, a wardrobe, and my new personal favorite a glass door that led to a small but beautiful platform with a view to the other side. I felt grateful to Yunnan and knew I owe him a lot. My feelings for Alibaba are indeed gone but when I met Hakuryuu I fell in love with him. When Hakuryuu proposed I was so happy!! But I was an ex-slave he was a prince so I declined. Then Yunnan.. I think I'm developing feelings for him but I don't know maybe it's because I'm that grateful to him, I guess it's just that. Then at that moment Yunnan called Masrur and I to dinner. I yelled that I was coming, and shook off what little feelings I had for Yunnan and headed to the kitchen.

Magi Fanfiction: Yunnan and MorgianaTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang