A Visitor

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Yunnan Pov.
We all ran out to see the visitor, I was the calmest of course. The Morgiana got there first and whoever the visitor was made Morgiana cry tears of hope and happiness. I finally got close enough to see who it was and who I saw made be very displeased. It was Hakuryuu, Morgiana's first love, it might be creepy to know this but she was the one who got into the details and I listened. I got ready to attack him, if Morgiana gives the okay I will kill him happily. Hakuryuu looked at Morgiana with sad and loving eyes. Jealously flared in my chest and when I saw Morgiana's eyes reflect what Hakuryuu was also feeling, my heart broke. " Hakuryuu! What are you doing here? I thought you were with Judar our enemy now? You freaking traitor!!!! You made me believe that you loved me but you lied", Morgiana yelled tears falling down her face anger replacing the hope and love. Although I was happy that she was angry with him I knew she was sad and could practically see cracks on her heart. There was a bit of black Rukh around her from the betrayal she feels right now. Masrur was watching her quietly wanting Morgiana to let out everything she has been feeling. Hakuryuu looked very sad and hopeless," Morgiana I do love you!! The only reason I joined Judar was because he threatened to kill you!! I didn't want you hurt because of me, I wouldn't be able to handle it!!" Morgiana looked at Hakuryuu with hope shining in her eyes," Are you telling the truth? Or did Judar tell you to play with my feelings?" Hakuryuu shook his head so fast that I was afraid it was going to fly off. Not that I cared... Morgiana looked at Hakuryuu and they both started to move toward each other but then Judar showed up and blasted Hakuryuu with his magic. Hakuryuu fell on the ground bleeding rapidly. Judar laughed at him," This is what you get for betraying me!! Now die!!" He blasted him again and this time the Rukh gathered around him telling me that he was dead. Morgiana looked at Judar with tears streaming down her face and a look of hatred. She launched herself at him but he disappeared from sight. She then ran to Hakuryuu's dead body and shook him," Hakuryuu?! Wake up!! Please, I do love you!! I always have so wake up so we can get married! Please.." " I'm sorry Morgiana but he is gone to be with the Rukh", I said very sad that he has died. Morgiana shook her head frantically," He can't be dead!!! Cant you bring him back? You are a Magi loved by the Rukh!!" I shook my head," My power has limits, I truly am sorry for the lost of your love." " Sorry won't bring him back!! Masrur can you pick up his body, I want to bury him in the place he proposed. After that we'll come back but not before we can give him a proper departure." Masrur nodded his head and picked up the lifeless Hakuryuu. Morgiana faced me and said sadly," Yunnan you are welcomed to come and say your goodbyes and we could really use your help getting back if you don't mind." I nodded my head," Of course I will help you, he was obviously dear to you." Morgiana looked at me with gratitude. Then we all got ready to leave and prepared for the worst.

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