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Aladdin's Pov
I turned back for one second, and to see Yunnan kiss Morgiana's forehead which caused me to scream,"Yas! I flipping knew it!" Everyone turned around to see what I saw which put Yunnan on the spot. He blushed, stuttering trying to explain his actions. We all cheered quietly trying not to wake her. Sinbad immediately went to him to give him some pointers. "Listen Yunnan, you have to be aggressive about it stop being a prude! Your like hundreds of years old," Sinbad yells in exasperation.  Yunnan's face becomes a tomato. "Sinbad! Don't say such indecent things like that! I'll go first since you guys won't stop bothering me,"he teleported away in a fit of embarrassment. I faced everyone and magically brought a paper and pencil out nowhere. "Who wants to start the bet of when they are going to start dating? I'll say a month! Morgiana is too dense to figure it out that quickly",I yelled to everyone. They all crowded around me placing in bets. I smirked evilly, I can't wait for my ship to happen!
Yunnan's POV
I quickly teleported out of there not wanting anyone to give me advice on my one-sided love situation right now. I couldn't help not kissing her forehead. She just look so beautiful at the moment but what she did was wrong, sacrificing herself like that. She should learn to never do something like that again, but how would she learn her lesson? Aladdin knows more about this then but... he will bring up the kiss things against and I definitely don't want that happening. Then the right person to ask cane into my head after all he is kinda oblivious to these things. I gently placed Morgiana in a bed inside the infirmary so she can rest. Then I teleported to Alibaba, grabbed him, and teleported back to my room with him. He was confused on what had just happened so I took the advantage while I still had it. "Listen, I want to teach Morgiana a lesson so that she will never try to sacrifice herself again. I want her to learn how to value her own life. Actually maybe her brother could teach her! Your a genius Alibaba", I exclaimed while teleporting to Masrur. (Poor Alibaba still couldn't comprehend what had just happened and stayed there confused) I quickly tried to grab Masrur but his fast reflexes caused him to try and punch me but my borg saved me. He gave his usual emotionless face and apologized. I waved away his apology and ask led him how I would go about making Morgiana realize how valuable her life is. He stared at me causing me to get nervous and start fidgeting with my hands. He sighed the said," Are you in love with my sister, Yunnan?" I blushed furiously. I stuttered trying to find the correct answer for him. "Can you tell me why you love her", he asked. Thoughtfully I replied, " She's so brave and courageous. She puts others before herself. Even though so many people have hurt her, she still manages to care for others. It wasn't just her looks, her personality hooked me completely. I'm in love with her and I'm scared by the fact that she doesn't value her life like she should. So please with you help me?" He stared at me with such intensity that I almost melted into a puddle right then and there. He sighed and agreed to help me. However, his plan needed everyone to help so we ending up gathering everyone into the throne room. Masrur told the plan and threatened to do something really bad to anyone who dared to tell Morgiana.  I hope everything goes well. I really need her to know how valuable her life is to everyone.
Morgiana's POV
I awoke inside the infirmary. Remembering everything I did, I was afraid to face everyone. Knowing they will be upset with me. Maybe I should stay in the infirmary for the rest of my life. But I wouldn't be a coward no matter what. I took a deep breath and stood up and left the infirmary I'm search for everyone. I soon realized that no one was around. Suddenly I was grabbed from behind, I didn't panic because I knew it was my recently discovered brother so I just let him take me. Next thing I know I'm hanging upside down from a tree. I was calm and actually enjoyed it. Swinging side to side I faced the others. They each took turns on saying my good qualities and why sacrificing myself hurt them. Then Yunnan spoke," Morgiana I don't ever want you to do what you tried today I don't think I could handle it. You don't die for your friends, you live for them. You stay with them through the good and the bad no matter what. You have to start caring about yourself, I hate the fact that you think you mean nothing. You mean everything to me. So please never ever do something so foolish like that again." I look at the with tears in me eyes. " I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I didn't think anyone would care if I died so I just... I don't know. I didn't want to hurt anyone, it's okay if you hate me now but know I'm so sorry", I said trying hard not to burst out sobbing. Alibaba, Aladdin and Yunnan burst into tears and ran to hug me. I magically appeared on the ground to hug them tightly. Repeating my apologies over and over again. Today I learned a lesson I don't ever want to forget. I shouldn't die for my friends because that will hurt them in a way that I thought didn't exist. Rather than dying I should live for them to support and love hem for the rest of my life. What Yunnan said really clicked for me and made my heart race... maybe I should see the doctor to see what's wrong with me.

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