A Feast!

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Masrur Pov.
I can tell that Yunnan likes Morgiana. I don't like it one bit, she is my little sister my responsibility!! If he dares forces her to do something or hurt her he will die! Magi or not . I enter my room that I am to stay in, it was impressive. This is a Magi's power, unbelievable. But it wasn't anything special it was almost like my room at the castle but a little bit bigger. My room is located right next to Morgiana's room for safely purposes. For a while I read a little of A Magi's History, then Yunnan called us down to eat dinner. God how I despise him, Hakuryuu would have suited her more better. Yunnan is probably to old for her, he was the Magi that created the dungeons, probably. Like maybe a hundred years old!! Or I might be exaggerating... but same thing he is a Magi. I wonder if he has chosen a King's Candidate maybe he will chose Morgiana!!! No he just has feelings for her*shivers* it's hard to think about it a hundred year old man with a 18 year old(I don't know if that is her real age). I head down and see only Yunnan at the table," Where is Morgiana?" Yunnan looks at me and smiles," She probably want to change after a tiring battle", he says. I nod stiffly not wanting to show him any kindness for he is a threat to Morgiana. Then Morgiana comes down the stairs in a beautiful, flowing, purple dress. But I don't like what she is wearing, it looks beautiful on her but I don't like her wearing something like that with him present. At look at the table and see a feast fit for a king, I see Morgiana acknowledge this and see her eyes widening. " I have never seen a feast like this for only three people!! I can't eat this much but I deeply thank you for this food and dress", Morgiana says while kneeling. Yunnan blushed," You don't have to thank me! I am just glad I have company rather than being alone all day." I scowled not liking how he was staring at her. " Is that why you took so long? You were changing", Masrur asked. Morgiana shook her head," Well actually, when I first took a step out of my room I immediately changed into this." I looked at Yunnan glaring daggers at him, Yunnan just looked at Morgiana in confusion," Whatt??" Morgiana sat at the table and started eating, Yunnan and I followed suit. Yunnan still looked very confused but ate for he didn't want to let Morgiana eat alone. Then he felt a presence coming toward here," We have a visitor!"

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