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Yunnan POV
Everything was perfect. I felt like a lovesick fool when with Morgiana and honestly I wouldn't have it any other way. Eventually we decided to go to our own rooms but as soon as we parted I missed her. I wonder if she missed me... if I act like that she'll think I'm clingy and dump me. I want us to last forever and never be separated. Laying on my bed I made a vow, never will I make Morgiana be bored with me or think I'm clingy or just find something wrong in general to give her a reason to not be with me. Although I did acknowledge the fact that this relationship also relied on Morgiana I just hope that nothing will go wrong. But wait, are we in a relationship? I mean I never really asked her... but that will soon change... using my magic I called Yam. "Hey Yunnan! Why are you calling", she asked. I smiled and said, "I need help with something it has to do with Morgiana but I can't do this alone so will you help me?" Yam smiled widely, "Of course I will! You and Morgiana are my favorite ship! I'll help in any way possible!" I blushed out of embarrassment and continued to tell her my plan.
Morgiana POV
Waking up, I felt flustered. Those this mean me and Yunnan are officially a thing? Just the thought made my heart flutter. I went towards the dining room for breakfast while trying to calm my red cheeks. Coming into the room everyone's head turned to face me, Yam was smiling widely and Alibaba gave me a half-hearted smile. While Yunnan blushed and patted the seat next to him that was empty while smiling shyly. Timidly walking towards him I sat in the chair. Looking at each other we blushed and he quickly kissed my cheek and put his head down to eat. I looked at everyone embarrassed and saw their reactions. Every single of the 8 Generals were smiling but Spartos was blushing at the act and Masrur was of course with his poker face. Sinbad was sulking at the generals not informing him of the night before. Aladdin was giving me a thumbs up, Alibaba and Hakuryuu were silently eating, Hakuyuu and Hakuren were just smiling politely not really knowing what the fuss was about. We continued eating everyone asking questions but the one Pisti asked really got to us, "So are you guys boyfriend and girlfriend now? Or just the feelings were confessed? Ima need all these details and what about Hak-..." Yam slapped her hand on Pisti's mouth and leaned to whisper something in her ear.
Pisti's mouth and eyes widened in realization and the table went into a awkward silence. Then Yam gasped, "Someone has broken into the barrier!" Everyone immediately ran outside to see Judar with a unconscious figure in his arms. Jafar exhaled sharply recognizing the figure which no one could not notice that extremely familiar white colored hair. Judar grinned, happy at the reaction he was getting. "Oh, this is your sister right? I saw her getting punished by Al Tharmen which intrigued me, I mean don't they have all their toys under control? But this one is a fighter. Which makes me interested in her, not only that but the rukh seem to favor her extremely which just makes me wonder why they take so much interest in her. She seems like a magician so I sadly can't make her one of my king vessels but my little tiger won't flourish with Al Tharmen I'm sad to say. So I've decided to kidnap her and give her to you, just for a short while of course. Just keep in mind, she belongs to me", he said the last part seriously with a murderous look in his eye. He dropped her into Jaffa's arms and flew off avoiding attacks being thrown at him while laughing. We were in shock at what had just happened, not believing that Judar could do anything close to being nice. Jafar didn't care about anything except his sister which no one could blame him for. Her beaten and small form shocked all of us. She looked as if she hasn't eaten in days, her white hair didn't have the glow that Jafar's did. We rushed her into the infirmary where Yam personally looked after her along with Aladdin. Yunnan looked sad and guilty so I pulled him to the side and asked what was wrong. "I had something planned for you and Yam was going to help me but now she's to busy with Jafar's sister and that makes me feel guilty cause deep down I'm kind of upset she ditched our plans but she has to take care of someone who isn't looking to good", he looked down with a glum face. I opened my mouth to say something when he looked towards me seriously. "Morgiana I wanted to do something extravagant but honestly I've realized that your not someone who likes those things and that's what I like about you. I know your want me for me and not for those big gestures so will you be my girlfriend and stay with me until the very end", he asked with hope and love shining through his eyes. He waved his staff and a white gold necklace appeared in his hands. I nodded and pulled my hair up, he walked around me and gently put the necklace around me. He turned me around and we shared a sweet and soft kiss filled with a promise to each other. We separated and he told me he was going to help Yam and Aladdin with Jafar's sister. I nodded in a daze and he smiled down at me and walked away, I could see the rukh flutter around him excitedly for the first time. With Aladdin I knew it was because he was determined but Yunnan was full of love and I knew them that he would never do anything to harm him. If I ever harm Yunnan I would just die because he doesn't deserve that. "You are my always and forever, Yunnan~" I whispered into the air that carried my vow into the sky.

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