Twisted Mind

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Adira's POV
I awoke with the usual pain gone. In a unfamiliar place with unfamiliar people. There was a man who had long, yellow braided hair with girlish features. Another with long, blue braided hair, he was much younger but looked strangely familiar to me. There was a woman with blue hair and huge breasts. Both men were Magi's and the women was a magician yet there was another who sat by my bed looking at me. This man looked far more familiar than the boy his hair was white like mine, his freckled face and green eyes looked too familiar. I stared at him and memories came flashing back. Some good yet some were absolutely dreadful. A painful migraine hit me as I sat up and grasped my head tightly. I could heard them panicking and the man with white hair was begging them to do something. They casted a spell and all the memories stopped flowing and I breathed heavily, trying to recover. I looked up at the man, "Jafar? Is that you?" He nodded with tears running down his face. He embraced me and I sat there awkwardly not knowing what to do. He cried on my shoulder and kept repeating how sorry he was. I gently patted his back and after what like an eternity we separated. His eyes were red and teary, my hands automatically went up to wipe his tears. 

Then, the doors burst opened and more people came in( basically everyone important). I stared at them cautiously and my whole body tensed as I glared at all the people around me. Analyzing them, I concluded that their were two pairs in the group, lovers, and another two were married or something. I bluntly asked, "So the pink-haired girl is with blonde braids right? Melons(Yam) is with white-haired boy, dragon and building(Hinahoho) are married to people who aren't in the room." They stared at me in shock but the first four people I mentioned burst into flames. Pink-hair and Blondie started at the floor in embarrassment and the other two began bickering with each other while blushing madly.

 I decided these people were okay but the purple-haired guy really made me nervous for some reason. I grabbed onto Jafar and yanked him into my embrace, clutching him tightly. "That's my adviser your grabbing onto", said the purple-haired man. This angered me and I quickly used my magic to levitate him off the ground and snarl, "He's my brother!" Jafar panicked and began to scold me. I put my head down in shame and dropped the king. Jafar then proceeded to tell me who these people were and confirmed the relationships I had mentioned. The four blushed again while I nodded my head, happy I was right. "So Ads(Adira's childhood nickname) what happened to you", Jarfar cautiously questioned me. Closing my eyes and remembering everything, I shook my head, "I don't want to talk about it. Just don't worry about me, I'll help putting those bastards down and that's it." I quickly got off the bed, rushed towards the pink-haired girl, sorry Morgiana  I meant, and yanked her along with me. 

She went willingly and I took her to what seemed to be a secluded garden. I sat both of us down and stared at her. She stared at me. We stared at each other. Suddenly I couldn't hold it in anymore and bombarded her with questions. "So what are you and Yunnan? Are you guys a thing? You look like a thing! If so, how long have you been together? Did he confess or did you? Have you guys kis-" She put her hand over my mouth while blushing madly. Shaking her head, a sign she probably wasn't gonna tell me. That certainly wasn't going to happen. I looked down at the floor, took a deep breath and looked up at her with my most best puppy dog eyes. I could feel my eyes shining and even used a little magic to help me out. She covered her eyes but even that couldn't help, hesitantly she began telling me everything. And boy, was it a lot. 

My responses were, "What!?" "No way!" "He really done did that?" "He died?" "But he alive now?" "You that dense?!" "Awwww!!!>-<" Morgiana's face was up in flames at this point as she looked bashfully at the ground. Staring at her I made the decision, jumping on my feet I vowed, "Morgiana! I will protect your ship at any cost! You can count on me! I will protect you my cinnamon roll!" She looked up at me in confusion and looked so adorable! I jumped at her and squished my face on hers, rubbing her cheek. Finally, Yunnan showed up looking worried. 

Seeing Morgiana he pulled her out of my embrace into his. She blushed like a ruby as he checked her for injuries. I stared from the background. This is what I've been looking for this whole time! All the abuse, torment, and stuff were leading up to this moment. Of course Jafar was something too I guess... Everyone else quickly showed up after Yunnan. I analyzed again, looking for possible threats to my ship. Spotting two, I checked their body language. Alibaba was obviously rejected but happy for them( better be) and Hakuryuu was moving on kinda. Nodding my head approvingly, I skipped to Jafar's side, who also worried but for his sister, and latched onto his arm. Looking up at his with my puppy dog eyes, I said, "Little brother of mine, I'm hungry~! And tired~! And you know what? I'm also really really in need of a bubble bath~! Can you solve all those things little brother?" Jafar blushed(siscon) and rushed me towards my new room. Ordering the maids to prepare my bath and clothes for me. They rushed to heed his demand and he turned to me, "After your bath tell one of the maids to lead you to me and we'll go eat something okay?" I happily kissed his cheek and said thank you. I skipped towards my bath, leaving a blushing Jafar behind me. 

Laying in my tub, I began thinking. Fufufu~ Morgiana and Yunnan, the perfect pair! Also gots to work on Sharrkan and Yam, they can be my second favorite ship! This is going to be so much fun! Forget Al Tharmen for the time being, forget my problems. Focus on something more interesting! My eyes filling up with tears as I stared at all my injuries. Focus~ Yunnan and Morgiana, Yunnan and Morgiana, Yu- Quietly sobbing, I began to have my head filled with memories. But those can go away, they will go away. Time for snacks~!

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