Behind the Scenes

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That happy mood only lasted as long as the hospital-mandated medicine did. After a week of observation to make sure the surgery took, she was released. Her brother offered to take her in to care for her, but she declined. He would suffocate her with his love.

Then, Andrew made an unexpected move. He offered his own place. His reasoning being that eventually it would be their place anyway. Since the injury, Andrew had been at her side. She was sure they were turning over a new leaf. So she took the offer.

Her sisters packed some clothes and toiletries for her. Andrew and Christie agreed that the bigger items could be dealt with once they were comfortable. So began their life together.


The first couple of weeks were like heaven. Andrew checked on her and made sure she was comfortable. He hired her a chauffeur to drive her to her physical therapy appointments. He encouraged her to work hard and stay positive. He was there all the time. So much, she was fine when he missed Thanksgiving in order to play the headliner game. When she got together with her siblings and showed them how well she was doing, she thought they would warm up to Andrew. Cole was still stand-offish, but her sisters seemed to be happy for her.

The only issue was that he still wanted to go out. He said that she needed to make appearances for her fans. Seeing how she could barely stand for more than five minutes, she didn't think it would be all that reassuring. Besides, her leg bone was blasted across ESPN for the past three weeks. She was sure they would understand her new status as a recluse. Still, she felt they were heading in the right direction.

With nothing, but physical therapy appointments to occupy her time, she turned to wedding planning. In essence, Andrew's megamansion became Wedding Central. With the help of her sisters, she was able to get most of the vendors to visit her. She had to conduct most of the meeting from a recliner in the living room. Fiona called the recliner "her royal brideness' throne". Amelia made sure she was taking care of her leg with utmost care. Fiona guided her through all the details of wedding planning.

Even as she began to lay out the details, she realized she was way over her head.

"Okay, the caterer is setting up the samples right now. This was one of my favorite things to plan," said Fiona with a wink.

"Your food was pretty good at the reception. I went back for thirds," said Amelia as she shyly laughed in her hand.

"That is why I recommend this company. The best," said Fiona as she gave a thumbs up. "While he gets set up in the kitchen, let's talk music. That is easy to pick, right?"

Christi knew that Fiona was referring to their earlier argument over the flowers, invitations and the photographer.


Christi: "Just pick some pretty ones."

Fiona: "You don't want to match colors to a theme."

Christi: "I don't have a theme."

Fiona: "Sis, I can help you plan this, but I can't plan it by myself. I'm already married.

Amelia: "Let's calm down, you two."

Fiona: "Fine. Do you have a special attachment to any flowers?"

Christi: "No. How about the pink ones?"

Fiona threw her notebook in frustration before storming off to the kitchen.


"Who cares about the font? It'll say the same thing in the end."


"Just get me the one you had."



That was two days in the row of no progress. Amelia convinced Fiona to hold off on those decisions until they could look at them with clear, not so angry eyes.

"So, DJ or string quartet? Hell, you could hire both if you wanted."

Christi scratched at her leg. "Umm, let's do both then."

"What kind of music?" said Fiona as she wrote down Christi's response. Ever since spearheading a women's charity, Fiona had been more organized, taking notes and lists for everything.

"Umm. . .definitely classics. You know, the typical dance songs."

"For the first half only, right?" said Andrew as he walked into the living room. Christi smiled that maybe he could help her now.

"Hi ladies. How is the wedding planning going?" said Andrew with that perfect smile.

"Could be better. Your bride is very indecisive," said Fiona with a smile to Andrew and a smirk to Christi. Christi mouthed "traitor."

"Let's see if I can help. Ask me." Fiona shrugged and asked him.

"What flowers?"

"My mom loves. . striped . . carnations. That's right. She said I should have striped carnations. Besides, I don't think anyone has ever had those at a wedding before."

"What invitation font?"

"Whichever one looks like script. It needs to look elegant," he said as he scratched his chin. Fiona looked impressed or at least, glad someone had an idea what the wedding should look like.

"Photographer and videographer or just one?"

"Hmm. . . Videographer. I have committed to People for exclusive. I'm sure their photos should be fine. The video will be nice for a behind the scenes look for the fans. Yep. That sounds good. Anything else?" Andrew smiled pleasantly at Fiona.

"Um. . . No. That's all I can think of for now. We are going to try the food in a second. Are you gonna stick around?"

Andrew shook his head in disappointment. "No, I have to wash this sweat off me and head out for a photo shoot. I've just booked the endorsement for some jean line in a magazine spread." Andrew turned to Christi as she stretched out on the recliner. "Leslie had gotten us that perfume couple shoot too, but then you know what." He nodded toward the cast that locked her leg in like Fort Knox. "That's okay. I don't mind picking up the slack, babe."

Christi felt a swift wave of embarrassment at the statement. She stiffened, wishing the topic would move from away from her.

Luckily, Andrew stood up and patted her shoulder on the way to their room. He had barely made it out the door when he poked his head back in.

"Oh, make sure you don't pick any seafood. I just can't stand it. I mean, really ," he said and he was off.

Fiona and Amelia looked at each other before facing Christi together.

"Looks like we are going to have to rework the menu," Christi said simply. Fiona nodded and went to find the caterer. There would be no taste testing.

No one said the words all the sisters were thinking. Anyone who knew Christi knew she loved seafood. It was one of the reasons she loved living in a coastal state. The menu was probably the only thing she was sure of. Amelia started to fiddle with her hands, an old habit.

"It's fine, Amelia. I'll find something. It's our wedding. We both need to enjoy it. Besides, look at all he accomplished. He deserves to have his wishes granted too."

Yes, if Christi focused on the good, then she would see that Andrew was good for her. He would support what she wanted, right?

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