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"Haneul ah! Faster. Mommy will be late." Chorong shout from the living room.

"Okay mommy. I'm coming out." Then a little boy comes out with all dress up in jeans and light yellow shirt. Chorong just smile looking at her son.

"Omo! Look my son is a grow up boy now. But my little prince, look at the way you button your shirt?"

Haneul look and then smile at his mom. Chorong smile, kneel down and button it properly. When she was done, she put on a coat, glove and beanie on Haneul and then they walk out the house holding hand. After sending her son to the kindergarten, she rush to her work place. When she arrive, she greet her friend and ask "Is he hear yet?"

Her friend smile and shook her head "Nope he's not. But why are you late missy."

"My son wants to do everything by himself today. That's why."

Just then her boss came out from the elevator. Both of them stand up, bow and greet him.

"Chorong, in my room now."

"Yes sir." Chorong nod her head, take her notebook and walk inside the room with her boss. When her boss sits down, she start to read everything that her boss need to do today. Just after she finish she said "That's all sir for today. Anything else sir."

"Yes. Please call my son. Tell him where the hell he is. I've been trying to call him since this morning and he didn't even came back home today. You are his friend. You must know where he is."

Chorong smile and said "Yes sir. I will. Anything else Sir."

"No. That's all."

Chorong bow and walk out the room. After she sit, she tries to call her boss phone using the office's phone. She try several time but he didn't pick up. She takes out her hand phone and start to call the boss son on his private number. After a few beep, the guy pick up the phone.

"Where are you man? Your dad is looking for you."

"I'm on my way. I woke up late. Dad must be really angry."

"His mad. He looks like his going to kill you Lee Changsub. You better get your butt here now before your dad changes his mood."

"Okay...Okay. I'm on my way now."

After 30 minutes, Changsub half walk half run out from the elevator. He look at Chorong and his P.A and ask "How's dad?"

Both of them just shook her head. Changsub sigh and walk to his father door and knock. Then he walks in the room. Chorong and her friend Irene just laughs.

After half an hour, Changsub come out from the room and smile at both of the ladies.

"So how was it?"

"Well you know dad. Irene ah, comes follow me."

Chorong just smile and while Irene follow her boss.


It was lunchtime, Changsub come out and said "Chorong, Irene I'm going to meet my cousin today, so I couldn't have lunch with both of you."

Chorong and Irene nod and Chorong said "It's okay. Anyway we will be busy today since me and Irene going to the hall for the party next Saturday."

"Ah! Talking about the party, are you coming Chorong?"

"I'm not sure Changsub ah. If I go, who will take care of my son?"

"Find someone to take care of your son. I want you to be there. I'll be very boring tomorrow."

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